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Inside the water tower wakko and abbey were playing super smash bros ultimate and they weren't moving

Yakko: Abbey speak to me! Snap out of it!

Dot: maybe the writer didn't know what she should say

Yakko: but she's the one with the most character development! Going from a girl who spent most of her time on her phone from going on more adventures with us!

Abbey and wakko started moving again

Wakko: hey guys! Like our new game?

Yakko read the cover of the game

Yakko: Super smash brothers Ultimate? 60 bucks?! How did you pay for this?

Abbey: birthday money

Dot: who are the characters?

Abbey and wakko gasped dramatically

Abbey: you've never heard of the Mario bros Mario and Luigi?!

Yakko: why aren't they called the Mario and Luigi brothers?

Wakko: Mario is their last name. Mario Mario and Luigi Mario

Dot: that's not confusing

Yakko: and the gorilla?

Abbey: he's an ape and his name is donkey Kong aka DK

Yakko: why is he called a donkey when he's a ape?

Wakko: The creator of the game thought it meant stupid but even when he found out that's not what it meant he kept it anyway because he liked the name

Dot: who's the dragon?

Abbey: that's bowser he's the villain who kidnaps peach a lot

Yakko: so peach's are his favorite food?

Abbey: Haha! No princess peach is the name of a character

Abbey showed what peach looked like on the game and Yakko immediately thought she was pretty

Yakko: Helloooo Princess!

He saw abbey glaring at him

Yakko: I mean cool game!

Abbey: she's already in a relationship with Mario. I think... besides kisses on the cheek it's never been confirmed

Wakko: you guys should try it! It might be derivative but it's also crazy addictive

Abbey gave Yakko and dot the extra controllers

Yakko: I'm technically a boomer I'm immune to technology because I harbor an irrational fear of it

Dot: and I'm a girl everybody know that video games have no effect on-

Wakko pressed play and the four of them played smash bros for months

Dot: girls wait wait where are we?

Yakko: how long were we under?

Abbey checked her phone and saw the date

Abbey: Oh no it happened again

Dot and yakko: what happened again?

Wakko: it's about 3:00

Yakko: ok 2 hours we're not addicted

Wakko: on Thursday

Dot: ok 2 days that's not to bad

Abbey: in the middle of January

Dot: it's been half a year?!

Abbey: now my mom is worried sick!

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