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The beeping is the first thing I hear

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The beeping is the first thing I hear. The sound echoes through the vacant white halls. Was this place abandoned? There wasn't a person in sight. All the rooms were empty; the only sign of life was the scattered little things. A bag lays on the floor of one of the rooms, a teddy bear on one of the beds with stickers littering the wall above, and a baby blue blanket draped over the side of a crib-like structure.

The beeping grows louder, almost as if it's calling me. I force my feet to move down the hall, following the sound, looking to see where it was coming from. The closer I get, the louder it becomes until it finally grows quieter. The beeping no longer being the only sound, but desperate pounding fills the air as well.

My head turns toward the pounding, and I see him. Standing with his fist banging against the room's glass windows, his face twisted into pain and fear as he stared at me. His mouth moves, and I'm able to make the motions out as a call for help.

I quickly race around to the other side of the room where the door is and attempt to yank it open, but the door is locked. I turn my body and slam my shoulder into the door repeatedly.

"I'll get you out!" I promised the man inside. "You're going to be okay."

The man watches me with tears pouring down his face. Finally, the door opens, and I rush into the room. The man quickly races toward me, his arms wrapped around me.

"You're okay," I assured the man. "You're okay now."

"But I'm not," the man said, and everything seemed to change. He lifts his head to meet my eyes, and the tears that once littered his face are gone. His brown eyes stare at me with unfiltered rage, and a crooked smile takes over his look. "I'm not okay; you killed me, Tatum."


"Don't deny it! I begged you for help, and what did you do? You locked me in this room and then killed me!"

"The lab hurt you. I didn't mean-"

"No!" The man's head shakes aggressively. "This is your fault! Not Demos, not the lab; your fault, Tatum! If you had only found me sooner, we wouldn't be here!"

"I tried!" I shouted out desperately. "Believe me, I tried! What else could I have done? By the time I found you, you were practically already dead!"

"You didn't try hard enough," those cold brown eyes stared into my green. "You failed me, and now look, you're failing your pack. Look around. Where do you think everyone is?"

My eyes scanned over the empty white halls again. Nobody was in the building besides the two of us.

The man let out a cold laugh, and he lifted his arms to wrap around my neck, pulling me down until our faces were only centimeters apart.

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