The War

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I only heard the hisses of the snake as me and Ron ran down the golden stairs. I shot a curse but it was easily deflected.

Nothing seemed to work on that snake. We continued running and cursing but after deflecting my curse for the final time, it hissed, with what felt like rage and pounced at us.

"Aaaaaah!!!?!!!!?", I screamed, losing all consiousness as I looked into the eyes of the snake, or rather the eyes of death. But suddenly, there was swish and the snakes head fell at my legs.

We looked up to see Neville, with a sword glistening in the blood of the now dead snake.

Ron held me as he kicked away the head of the snake.

"Bloody hell, Hermione you alright?", he rasped. I was a little shocked but I pulled myself together. Then the reality of the situation struck me.

Neville had destroyed the last horcrux.

" Neville, you've done it! You destroyed the last horcrux! Ron we've done it, all of them are gone!", I squeaked happily. But reality always stuck me a little late.

Voldemort was not dead yet.

As soon as that thought struck me,I heard a loud explosion. I remembered,

We were still in a war.

"I bet Voldemort knows about the snake. We have to tell Harry... Come on!"

The three of us started running towards the great hall, the gate was open or rather blown off. But as we entered the great hall, I couldn't help but wait for the appearance to sink in.

The hall looked totally different now. The magical ceiling was the only thing that reminded of the place where we once used to eat. There was a lot of commotion, a lot of spells cast. A lot of cries, mourning and death. Death.

And at the center of the chaos were the ones who started it all. They both watched each other as they circled around. It was the final duel.

It was the final duel.

I was frozen in place while taking in all this, completely forgetting that I am in a war. I just couldn't register the fact that we were this close. That it all worked out and we reached this point. I did'nt believe we could do it.

We have not done it yet, Hermione. Gather yourself before someone atta-ouch!!!!

I felt a sharp pain in my side and the impact of whatever hit me threw me to the side. When I was in the air, I saw a streak of green pass through the place where I just was.


I heard Ron's voice and turn to the direction to see him running towards me. I slowly try to get up and notice that the pain is now gone but I had pain from the fall. But whoever cast that spell on me saved my life.

"MALFOY!!! We save your damn life and this is how you repay the favor? You. damn. SNAKE!!!!!!"

Ron says as he stands in front of me. Malfoy? He saved my life? Of all the people he would be the last person I expected to save my life. I wanted to see his face and see whether Ron had mistaken someone else and it was someone from Hogwarts. It could not be Malfoy.

I tried to see the face of the person and I felt my stomach churn. It was Malfoy. He had the same pale face which I had punched in third year except it didn't have that smirk. His platinum hair was dirty and his outfit was singed due to the fire.

Why did he save me?

The Mudblood he had despised for years. The Mudblood who had punched him in the face. The Mudblood who was his enemy.

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