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( sugar high )

The last time I wrote an album it was a piece of cake. It was new, I had a great crew, and I was completely focused on my music.

That can't be said this go around. I just wanted to hurry out of this room to go mess with Harry.

What has he done to me?

"Earth to Autumn? Come on, kid, we've got a job to do here. You're so in your head. Shape up," Phil slapped the side of my head.

"Ow," I rubbed my head.

He rolled his eyes, "come on. Words on paper, now!"

I groaned and fell back onto the couch. "Why can't we just write together?" I mumbled.

"I'm trying to but someone won't focus," he pulled my arm so I was sitting up.

"I meant Harry. Not you."

If old age didn't kill Phil, I sure would. All he does is complain about how much of a nuisance I am.

If he just let me get 5 minutes, I'd do what he asks. Phil pulled me out of bed at 7am to come down here and write. We've been in here for hours without any contact with anyone else outside of this room.

I need humans.

"I swear you're like a child," he stood up out of his chair. He got up and I moved to his chair, spinning around in it. I held my head back watching everything go round and round with each spin I took.

"Harry too?" I heard Phil's voice. I stopped and turned towards the door. He was talking to Jeff. Phil moved to the side and I waved at Jeff.

Jeff pulled his arm back to show him holding Harry by his shirt. "Get in there. Sit, now. On the couch," they yelled at us.

I huffed and went back onto the couch, with Harry sitting next to me. "Don't move," Phil pointed his finger at us before turning back around to talk to Jeff.

I turned to Harry, "I don't think they like us..." I whispered.

He shrugged, "All I did was ask him how you were doing in here and he flipped." I laughed.

"Hey! You two!"

We turned and both Jeff and Phil were glaring at us. "It's your lucky day. We're rescheduling to later this week," Phil told us.

Thank god.

"Before you get too happy. When we get a bigger space for the both of you together, we want 2 songs. From both of you."

2 songs?


"We mean completely new. Not any already written or half written. 2 each," Jeff pointed at us.

"If the two of you can't do work together or apart we're all going home. Now, get out of here and act like adults, please? You're over 25 act like it."

Well, they seem mad.

"Go," Phil snapped and pointed to the door. Harry and I stood up walking out of the room. We turned back to the closed door and giggled while walking down the hallway.

"Adults!" They shouted from inside the room.

We quieted and kept walking.


Finny stared at my hands while he tried to decide which one to pick. He picked left. Nope. Nothing. Right. Nothing.

I laughed and started tickling his sides. He squirmed and burst out into giggles.

𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔, h. stylesWhere stories live. Discover now