Chapter 7

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Alyx's POV
"How long was I out?"

"Almost a week."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you. I want you to just rest. I'll help you with anything. You can go back to sleep if you want. I'm staying here. I'll be here when you wake up again."

I nodded then shut my eyes. He started running his fingers through my hair. I pulled the blanket up to my chin.

I'm not gonna mention seeing him cry.

I heard him talking to someone.

"Hey butterfly. Yes. She's fine. She's asleep. She just needs to rest. Mhm. I'll tell her. Sure. You can do that. She might like that."

I looked and saw he was on the phone.

Must be Pixie.

I miss her.

She's so cute and adorable.

I love her tight hugs.

I love Asher's hugs too.

They make me feel so safe.

I really love sleeping next to him.

He holds me tight.

I never want him to let go.

He walked back into the room.



"A-am I contagious? I want you to lay with me."

"No. You're not contagious anymore. Quarantine ended for you days ago. Don't worry. I was with you the whole time."

"Y-you were?"

"I did say, I'd stay with you, yes?"

"Y-you did."

"You thought, I was lying?"

"I-I were just trying to make me feel better."

"I didn't lie. It's like you said, me and Pixie are the only ones, you have left. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing, you were here alone."


"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired."

He walked over to me and laid down next to me.

"Yay. Don't let me go."

"Don't worry. I won't."

He wrapped his arms around me. I laid on my side   I wrapped my arms around him. I yawned and shut my eyes.

"Rest. I'm not going anywhere."

He started trailing his fingers up and down my arm. I smiled. He kissed the top of my head. He put a hand on my cheek and started rubbing it with his thumb. I pressed myself closer to him. I went home a few days later.

Pixella saw me and said something unexpected.

"Hi mommy!"

Did she just?!

She jumped up into my arms.


"Is it okay that...I call you that? Daddy said, you might like it."

"That's okay. You can call me that."

The next day, Asher's sister, Andrea and her mate, Jonah came over so we could meet him. I was having a good day until, I started smelling death. The same smell...I smelled that day...

The day my life was ruined.

I started hearing screaming. The room was spinning.

"Aly? What's wrong?"

The smell of death got stronger. I started hyperventilating. I pointed at Jonah and started crying.

"Lyx? Baby what's going on?"

"I-it was you!"

Everyone looked at Jonah.

"What did you do?"

Pixella ran up to me and started trying to calm me down. Asher walked up to me.

"Hey, look at me."

I kept staring at Jonah. I kept staring at the man who ruined my life. I was staring at the man who killed my baby brother right in front of me.

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