Chapter 6

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Alyx's POV
"I-it's not that simple!"

"Figure it out! You've got scissors, yes?!"

The man started nodding.

"Then cut them!" Asher said through his teeth.


Uh oh.

He just used his alpha voice.

The man started scrambling.

"Do you have an X ray machine or is this a fucking black market OR?!"

"T-there's only much, I-I'm able to do in this type of area!"

"I swear....I'm gonna splatter your brains all over the fuckin wall if, you don't fuckin do what I say! I'm 15 seconds away from ripping these tubes out of their bloody machines! Fix her!!"

The tubes were starting to slowly get taken out of me.

Asher's eyes turned more red.

"You're taking forever!!"

"I-I'm scared sir!"

"Good! You fucking should be! Fix her! CAL! GET IN HERE!"

I heard Cal run into the room.

"Help this fucking prick!"

He ran up to me.

"Why can't you do it?!"

"I'm just gonna rip them out! I don't want to hurt her! She's already got wolfsbane in her!"


"Yeah so help this fucking moron!"

I started hyperventilating.

"It's okay."

I coughed up more blood.

"Faster! I'm getting really impatient over here!"

I felt the last two tubes get pulled out of me. Asher scooped me up and started running. I looked up at him.


"Stay with me Alyx. You can do this."

My head felt backwards. I started watching the celling pass by.

"Oh no. No no."

He stopped and picked my head up. He put my head on his chest.

"Keep talking to me."

"I-I'm so sick."

"I know. I know. He gave you something to slow down the spreading."

He started running faster.

"What hurts?"


"Fuck! Okay almost there! Keep talking!"

"I-I missed you."

"I missed you too. Pixie misses you too."

I started looking around.

"Eyes on me. Eyes on me. I got you. I got you. It's okay. I got you Lyx."

I smiled. Everything started to spin. I used whatever strength I had and, started playing with his necklace.

"There we go. Keep doing that."

"S-so much bl-blood.."

"Don't worry about that."

"Y-you'll stay with me in the hospital right?"

"Of course. I'll be there. My sister is already watching Pix."

"A-am I supposed to feel so shitty?"


"A-are we al-almost out?"

"Yeah. Keep talking."

"I'm tired but I'm scared to sleep."

"I know. I'm scared too."

I started shivering. He started running even more faster.

"Y-you're gonna hurt yourself. S-s-slow do-down."

"I'm getting you out of here. Almost there. 10 more minutes. Keep talking. Keep moving. Keep doing something."

I groaned. I looked up at him. Tears were streaming down his face.


He's crying?

Anne: Dumbass he cares about you.

He brought me out to a car and we got in. He sat down then put me down.

"Okay lay down. I don't know how long, you were like that."

He put my head on his leg and started petting my head.

"I'm still sleepy."

"I know. I know. Try to stay awake."

"I'm still cold."


He started looking around.

"Fuck...of course this is the one day...I don't bring a sweater or something. Shit."

He found a blanket and wrapped it around me. I woke up in the hospital. I had bandages all over my body. Everything hurt. I looked around. I saw Asher.


He sat up and ran up to me.

"My body hurts."

"Yeah. I bet. You had so many tubes in you."

"How's Pix?"

"Why are you asking about her right now?"

"I-I wanna distract myself from all of this shit."

"Ah. I would've brought her but...I figured, you didn't want a 6 year old jump all over you."

"I-I don't care at this point. At least someone's here. You guys are all I have now. I don't like being alone. Just bring the kid here. She jumped all over me. If she pops a stitch, oh well. I'm in the hospital anyway. Be bad is this?"

"Really bad. You're lucky, you're even alive."

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