Noels b-day 😃

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Noel woke to see that Mischa wasn't in bed with him. This was strange because Mischa was with him when he fell asleep, and he was never the one to wake before Noel.
He got up and went downstairs, wearing a loose grey t-shirt and black sweatpants, where he saw Mischa and Ophelia making breakfast.
He stood there for a minute, until Mischa noticed and shooed him away to their shared room. Noel was to tired to argue, and just say playing on his phone.

A few minutes later Ophelia called him downstairs. He walked down to be greeted by Mischa and Ophelia with a plate of eggs and toast on the table.
Mischa ran up to him, hugging Noel and kissing him for a second.

"Happy Borthday Noel!"
He said, a wide smile from ear to ear forming.
"Happy Birthday Dad!"
Ophelia said, throwing her arms up.

Noel smiled, hugging both of them.

"Guys! You didn't have to do all this!"
Noel said. Mischa crossed his arms.

"No! You need food! You look like twig!"
Mischa said, jokingly.

A few hours later, Mischa blindly lead him to a restaurant for dinner.

The Blackwood Cafe.

Noel Sat down, smiling, as Constance brought a small cake and Sat it on the table.

"You didn't have to guys"
Noel said, looking around and noticing the cafe was closed for the party.

"Nonsense! You are Noel Gruber! You deserve big borthday!"
Mischa scoffed, crossing his arms.

They all want happy birthday and did normal birthday things, and went home.

Noel and Mischa stayed at Constance's house, leaving Ophelia at Noel's mother's house. They sat on the couch, watching The Blue Angel, Mischa bored out of his mind, and if he was honest, so was Noel.

"Ugh! Is borthday! I'm going to get drink"
Mischa said, getting up and grabbing his car keys. Noel went with him. They came back with two six packs, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of gin. Conveniently, Constance had a pack of solo cups.

They all got absolutely shitfaced, except for Ocean who was prominent in not drinking.

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