Ophelia's other dad 😠😠

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I'm good at writing neglect bc I just change the names from my 'mom's 😋😋

Noel woke in a cold sweat. He frantically looked around, trying to be aware of his surroundings, making sure he was safe. He saw Mischa beside him, a wave of relief flooding Noel.
He sighed, checking his phone for the time. It was 2:08AM.

If course it was.

Noek lied awake, not wanting that dream to come back.. He didnt want the constant reminder of what his ex did to him. He felt guilty about feeling bad for himself. He got himself into the mess my marrying him. He loved Ophelia with all his heart, but he wished he didn't adopt her. At least, he wished he didn't adopt her until he left him.

But he adopted her anyways. He brought her into a mess of abuse. He brought her into home full of alcohol and broken bottles. He felt bad having to watch her wake up and ask why he had oh purple marks all over him. He hated that she asked why there was cute all over Noel from broken bottles thrown at him.

He hated himself for what happened to Ophelia.

Moments later, he realised he was crying silently. He Sat up, trying to make as little noise as possible, as to not wake his partner.
Sadly for Noel, this didn't work.

Mischa woke up to see Noel frantically wiping tears from his face.

He said, reaching his hand too comfort Noel. Noel reluctantly held the another's hand, Mischa turning and sitting beside him.

"What happened?"
Mischa asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Misch to back to sleep-"
Noel whispered. Mischa shook his head in disagreement and climbed on Noel's lap.

"Whatever happened, I'm here for you. You are my shawty"
Mischa said, cupping Noel's face. Noel chuckled at this remark, and kissed Mischa.

"Misch. You are the best thing to happen to me"
Noel said, smiling and Mischa lied on him.

"What was your dream about?"
Mischa asked.

"Jayson.. It was just memories y'know?"
Noel said, as Mischa hugged him. Noel flinched slightly at this touch.

"I'm not going to do that. Please don't be sad"
Mischa said, trying to comfort Noel.

In the end, the two tell asleep again. Neither of them moved from their position, it was just calm.



I hate when shows make a gay character have this BIG coming out scene. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE  when shows just treat them like normal characters. No come out scene, nothing. Just them as is.

it's 2:25 in the morning rn so this is not very good 😭

Momnique Gibeau 😭😭🏆Where stories live. Discover now