Ep.5: Psychic Showdown

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(3rd Person PoV)

"Yuuuuuuume! Can you help me with my homework?" Beni burst into her room.

Yume flinched, letting go of her carefully placed cards which went flying all over her room.

She swore under her breath before turning to her brother who just grinned at her cheekily.

"What?" She asked.

"Can you help me with my homework? I don't understand history," Beni showed her his homework.

"Fine...," Yume sighed and read it.

"Oh wait, you're taking American History? I thought that was for second years," she noted.

"You didn't hear? The old teacher quit so they had to hire another one but she only taught first years so they had to change it for first years," Beni explained.

"Ah...wonder why did the old one quit?" Yume asked.

"Dunno," Beni shrugged.

"Anyway, Woodrow Wilson was the President of the United States during World War One and during the passing of the 19th Amendment," Yume explained.

"Ah ok...what was the 19th Amendment again?" Beni asked.

"Women's Rights in America, Beni," Yume replied.

"Ok," Beni said.

(The Next Day)

Yume was walking through the third year hallway to her class.

Things were calming down and not many people were challenging her to a duel. It was honestly exhausting, accepting or declining those requests.

She stopped and pulled out her deck. She took one card out and stared at it.

Green Eyes...you're an interesting monster, she thought.

Yume sighed to herself. To be frank, she isn't quite sure how she managed to pull of Soul Summoning and that's how she was able to summon Green Eyes.

She had Green Eyes since a long time ago but wasn't able to summon him until last year and even then...was that a fluke?

I don't think it is since I have summoned him twice since then...but who knows, Yume thought.

"Yume Hibiki!" Someone called out to her which interrupted her thoughts.

She turned around to see a boy with green hair and looked like he ran a mile to get here.

"Uhhh do I know you?" Yume asked.

"I challenge you to a duel!" The boy pulled out his duel disk and put it on.

"Huh?! But it's almost time for class, I can't duel now," Yume pointed out.

"Doesn't matter, we duel now!" The boy said.

"Yuuuume! Help!" Beni then appeared and jumped in front of his sister.

"What now?" Yume sighed.

"How do you un-piss a teacher off?" Beni asked.

"Excuse me. What?" Yume asked.

"I may or may not have pissed Mrs. Kaneko off and I didn't mean to so I ran here," Beni explained.

"What do you mean? And who is Mrs. Kaneko?" Yume asked.

"She's the new history teacher that I told you about yesterday. And I don't want to talk about how I pissed her off," Beni explained.

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