Ep.3: The Dueling Twins

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(3rd Person PoV)

Much to Yume's dismay, the blue hair streak came back no matter how many times she cut it off.

Eventually she just gave up about it and hid that streak behind her purple hair. After all, it is just one streak.

She kept hiding it for days, turned to weeks, turned into months until the next school year.

Finally! A third year in high school.

"Yume!" Tsumugi called out.

Yume was dozing off on a bench but perked up when she heard her friend calling her.

"Don't doze off! You'll miss the twins opening ceremony! It'll be the Duel of the century!" Tsumugi jumped up and down.

"Nngh...I'll be there," Yume yawned.

Duel of the Century sure. They'll just win again like they did our first and second year, she thought as she rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes.

She hesitated over her left eye. Yume was still wearing her eye contact that made her eyes seem like the same colors instead of one of them being a lighter shade of blue.

She shook her head before getting up from the bench.

There are these two rich twins at their school. The Kaede twins. Their father is the founder of KaedeCorp which manufactures Duel cards and duel disks like any other corporation that has anything to do with Dueling.

Think of KaibaCorp from the past.

As expected, the twins are ferocious duelists. Unbeatable, although there was a rumor that the youngest twin was beaten before but no one really knows what happened to that rumor.

The school always does an opening ceremony that welcomes new and old students. It can be anything from the teachers and students on the student council.

One thing that was always consistent though, was the duel that takes places after.

Two on two duel. Whoever wins that duel gets named Opening Champions. Doesn't matter if they lose later on in the year, if they won one year and are not third years, they are the ones fighting to keep their title.

What matters is how fun it would be to be the Opening Champions!

Yume smiled to herself. It was always fun to see other people duel. Even if she hasn't dueled in a long time.

Despite that, ever since her duel with Akio, Yume always carries around her duel deck.

She doesn't know why she does, it just happens.

The opening ceremony went smoothly. There were some people of the Light Music club who were preforming, the Comedy Club did some kind of comedy routine that made people laugh and the Theater Club did a short skit featuring some of the teachers.

A girl with golden brown hair walked up to the stage after the skit was done and took the microphone.

"Hellllloooooooo students of Starry Night High!" She started and everyone hollered out the name of the school.

"This is the moment you all have been waiting for! Please welcome up, the reigning Opening Champions, the Kaede Twins!" She exclaimed.

Two boys walked up to the stage.

One of them had grey, fluffy hair that covered his ears while the other had a more darker grey color hair and it was more spikey.

"WE LOVE YOU AKUMA!" Some people called out.

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