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Something's wrong with Kai, I know it

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Something's wrong with Kai, I know it. I can tell that there is something he isn't telling me. It's been about a week from the party and I feel like he's distancing himself from me.

At first I thought he might be mad at me because I stopped his fling at the party but that was just some random guy. If it was something serious he would have told me at least by now.

But he hasn't, he hasn't yet come outright and said it but he is a lot closed off these days. Whenever I ask him to hang out he usually comes up with some excuse that might be plausible but they were becoming extremely frequent.

But maybe it's me, I have also been extremely busy with a lot these days, Damien has still been floating in the back of my head. He's like an insistent itch I can't scratch. I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet.

Or rather I haven't even tried to. Talking to him and trying to figure why the hell he's after me and what he wants from me is a can of worms wanting to hurt open that I just can't deal with yet.

I had also been busy with actual work. Ever since I got rid of Andreev, I got a chance to take control of a lot of his old clients, which I did gladly. But their orders are a lot to meet, especially when I'm not even in my actual place of work.

And even if I want to shift my base of operations to America, I would not be able to do that without attracting unwanted attention.

Today though I had decided to stop being a little bitch and actually confront Kai about his strange behaviour. We shared our last period today, so I had anxiously waited for him to join the class.

We were both in advanced psychology, meaning we got sit with students in a grade higher than us. That would usually not mean much but unfortunately here it meant that Alvise and Ermes would also be on this class with us.

I had entered the class early and saved a seat for Kai. He had come in looking and behaving rather normal. "Hey."

"Hey." He sat down beside me and started to take out his books. "So, how's everything?" Kai looked at me suspiciously. He knew I wasn't one for small talk.

"I'm good. Why? What's up?"  I cleared my throat awkwardly. I hated it when things became awkward around Kai, he was my safety net, things were rarely ever wired around him.

And I loathed the times when they were.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk and know what's...." I trailed off when I heard the door of the class bang open. And no doubt it was my brothers, walking like they owned the fucking world.

Kai's attention went to them as well. But while I turned back towards him, he kept staring at them, his attention lingering on Alvise. "Kai?" I ask and he turns his head sharply towards me.

"What's going on with you?" I ask him, "Nothing." He dismisses me and turns back to face the teacher before I can question him further. I want to let the matter go but the way he is acting, just isn't letting me do so.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now