Start from the beginning

When he found it, he looked around then whipped out a universal key, unlocking the door. "Whatever he did wasn't picked up by the garage's cameras considering he went inside the car."

Trey moved on to the next video—via traffic cams—of Lexi's parents driving on a highway circling a mountain. A truck came out of nowhere, switching onto their lane then crashed into the car, throwing them off the road.

Alexandra's eyes were wide, but she wasn't crying yet. Trey hit pause and zoomed in on the truck driver, pressing a button to clear out the noise of the picture. "The driver of that truck that killed my wife's parents was my own ex."

Murmurs erupted around the room as some wondered if it was safe to have a killer amongst them, especially since the one she'd tried to hurt was sitting right in there too. Nicolysse looked murderous, and Trey was glad Lexi was quite far from her in case she tried anything.

"That's not all," Trey continued, the room going silent as they awaited his next words. "She had planned to come to the house after the news broke to 'offer condolences' so she could poison my then new wife into losing our first child.

"Except," he made eye contact with Alexandra, "my wife, in shock, fell down the flight of stairs, losing the baby. It worked out for Nicolysse, so she stayed away, and no one ever suspected her. We only found out from the report that the brakes had been tampered with."

Trey looked away from his wife. "And this would've stayed buried if you hadn't taken me to your house and if I hadn't seen your journal." Nicolysse's eyes went comically wide as she shook with barely restrained rage.

"I know it's wrong to read another person's journal, but it was wide open, and when I glanced at it, a line saying 'the way I killed her parents' caught my attention. So, I took a quick photo and turned to the entry you made about killing Alexandra's parents to make her push me away, then you could swoop in.

"They're all here," he added, bringing up pictures of pages in the journal, leaving his employees and wife in shock. "The reason for tampering with the brakes hadn't been for it to fail them, but so that the cause of the accident would be ruled as a brake failure, and that the damaged car would be because they fell down the mountain."

To her credit, Alexandra remained silent, and he admired her restraint. He rubbed her shoulder, receiving a shaky smile in return. "All that wasn't enough for you." He pulled up another footage from a hospital and Alexandra recognized it as Highgate.

"This happened during our second pregnancy. You knew when we were going to have our next checkup, so," he played the video, "you had the doctor lie."

Nicolysse entered the room casually, playing with a gun. Alarmed, the doctor stood, only to receive a stern 'sit down'. He did, watching as she advanced. 'This doesn't have to be hard. I just need a favor.'

'What favor?' he asked, his voice shaky.

'Well,' she strode further into the room, 'I need you to tell Mr. and Mrs. Robinson when they arrive for their checkup that she has caught an infection, and therefore, it'd be wise to abort the baby or risk the chance of dying together with the baby.'

'I can't do that,' he said, shaking his head frantically.

'You will if you know what's good for you.' She pulled out her phone showing him a video, saying, 'Is this what a certified doctor should be doing? Screwing his patients? If you don't want this to leak, you do as I say. Otherwise, your wife and children will have to live with ridicule for the rest of their lives. Do you understand that?' He nodded. 'So, you'll do it?' Another nodhesitantly this time. 'Good boy,' Nicolysse murmured, patting his head like a dog.

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