"It was a nice dagger and he's prat anyway, I would've gotten away with it if it was Mirella."

"That's because no one cares about Mirella, he's only Estelle's advisor because they're best friends, he doesn't even know what the Zycrid Treaty is and it's what his own great-great-grandfather negotiated for King Julius," she recalled without much digging, it had been drilled into her mind for the last two years in Professor Mycill's classes, though they were the bane of her existence because of the time she would spend throwing his textbook at her wall in frustration before she rushed over to check it was ok, "that's beside the point. We had to collect important mail from home, ok. This mail was so urgent that we had to go and get it instead of coming to class much to our regret."

"...right," Cressida drawled in reply before she swung the classroom door without any hesitation or care for the indent she had left in the stone wall after the years. Glaring at the eyes of their classmates, she lead them to their seats at the back left of the classroom, though it still seemed as though Berkamp would hear all their whispers, that or he had learned to lipread which she wouldn't put past him with the amount of books he had on shelves in the dimly lit classroom that could've been mistaken as his wallpaper.

She shared a glance with Norah as they meekly followed her through the desks to receive a wink from Cressida when they finally got to their spaces. But, she was interrupted by cold fingertips gently clasping around her wrist; Olga.

"You're next to me if that's ok. Father deemed it necessary since you're going to be my advisor," if she was told to describe Olga Kach in one word, she wouldn't have been able to. The princess was unlike any other girl, rather any other person she'd met in her albeit short life, but she could safely say that she was worth putting up with Cressida's dramatic complaints. She always had eyes on her which never seemed to daunt her with a stubbornness to rival only Cressida and the same subtle smirk.

"Yep, of course," she threw a glare to a snickering Cressida before she rushed into her seat next to the green-eyed princess and attempted to get out her equipment without much noise to no avail as her textbook thumped against the hollow wooden desk.

"Although I am pleased that you have arrived to my lesson ladies, your discretion is not enviable," blasted man, he never could let anything slip through his greasy fingers, one would think in all his books he would've picked up a few social cues on how to make people actually like him.

"Urgent mail from home Professor, we wouldn't have wasted our education for just nothing," she sighed at Cressida's cocky tone as she leaned back into her chair, avoiding the disappointed stare of Norah whilst her eyebrow raised at him.

"Do share Moore," Mirella jeered from his seat at the front of the class, the sly rat couldn't miss the opportunity to distract from his obvious dim-wittedness, the only thing appealing about him was that he could duel half-decently, not much could be said about him other than he was slick-haired prat who practically glued his dark waves behind his ears.

"I received news that I still have parents," Cressida sighed after she'd opened her textbook to the page scrawled in chalk on the blackboard.

"Mine was about my sister giving birth to my nephew," Norah shuffled in her seat when all the eyes turned to her, sending her an apologetic glance when they moved along to her.

"My parents are still fighting a war that could end up with them dying," Ivy shrugged nonchalantly, catching the eyes of Caleb Estelle as the corner of his lip turned upwards slightly at her answer. She didn't know whether to be offended that he might've found the fact that her parents were fighting for their lives amusing or relieved that someone at least recognised the sarcastic tone of her words..

"Well, I can't punish you now because you'll be graduating in a few weeks, I only hope that you don't continue such actions in your future roles," ok, he wasn't too bad.

The lesson continued after their arrival, etiquette wasn't the most thrilling subject to begin with so she could only hope that her classmates found entertainment in their theatrics instead of deeming them trouble causing Skrills.

"I could ask my brother to remove your parents from service with their wages paid you know," Olga whispered to her as they copied the notes Professor Berkamp scrawled onto the board at an inhumane pace which showed through the style of his writing, the loops and scribbles were barley readable as it was without him rushing.

Olga stared at her expectantly once she'd finished her copying, leaning on her palm slightly so that her face was angled towards her instead of the board, a stray coil of hair hanging out of her otherwise perfect bun.

"You don't have to do that at all Olga, although I appreciate the gesture, I hardly think my parents' would find the honour of that, nor do I of the one who I am to take an oath for."

"Is it wrong for me to wish to be more than just the person you take an oath for?"

She couldn't reply to that, how could she?

For LythdomМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя