"Please try to behave. The last thing I need is your brother breathing down my neck about you." He sighed as he neared the door.

"Why would I ever want to put you in trouble? I like you." I responded before I tripped and fell in his arms.

"I told you about your walking." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist while I dug in his side belt and grabbed a gun out of the case.

"Clumsy me." I chuckled before I reached behind my back and slid the gun in my jeans.

He looked at me with a slight grin before he opened the door and waited for me to get inside.

"Athena. We don't have an appointment together." Dr. Evans said as he looked up at me.

"Something feels off. I thought I'd stop by for you to check it out." I sounded convincing as he looked at me sharply before he sighed and nodded his head.

"Alright then. You can leave. I'll take care of her." Dr. Evans nodded his head before signaling me to sit down.

Greg looked at me one last time before he left the room, closing the door behind him shortly after.

"So what's bothering you?" Dr. Evans asked as he glanced up at me while I approached him.

"There's this ongoing pain in my back.... I.... I think there's something stressing it." I breathed as I reached my hand over and limped towards him.

"Well let me have a look." He said as he stood up before I whipped out the gun and aimed it at him.

His eyes grew wide as he took a step back, holding his hands in the air while I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. You know what's going to happen here now don't you?" I hissed as he stared at the gun with horror.

"Athena.... Please.... Put down the gun. We can talk about this." He breathed as he took another step back while I made my way around the desk.

"I asked you for help, and all you did was hand me back over to Lino. Do you know what happened last night? Are you aware of the pain I went through?" I snapped as he gulped.

"You could of saved me. You could of saved yourself." I hissed as I clicked the safety off.

"Athena please! Don't shoot me! You know how valuable I am here." He begged as I grinned evilly.

"Which is why you're going to help me. Or else I'm putting every single bullet in between your head. Maybe then you'll ask yourself why you allowed Lino to r*pe me." I growled as I walked up to him and shoved the gun against his head, watching as he cringed.

"I'm so sorry Athena." He gasped as he cowardly leaned against the wall and trembled.

"You will be." I spoke darkly as he looked up at me in fear.

The wired phone rung loudly against the wooden desk, grabbing everyone's attention as the silence had finally been disturbed. I glanced over at Evans, waiting for him to answer it before he swallowed tightly and lifted up the black device.

"Dr. Evans' office." He spoke dryly, almost giving away his trembling voice.

"Hey man, I'm just checking in. How's Athena doing?" Blake's voice was heard over the phone, causing me to tap the gun against my knee.

"She's doing alright. Although I'm quite worried about her. She didn't look too good while she was here. I gave her some pain pills but I just ran out so I need to run into town and get more. Greg is taking her to her room so she can rest. I advice she sleeps for the rest of the day. Her energy was very low." Evans lied just like how I wanted him to, causing me to nod my head in approval.

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