Sorry [1]

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Dan was typing away on his laptop, replying to some fans tweets; see you haven't spoken to Dan in months and you worry about him. Maybe he is cheating on you, maybe he forgot you. You always had faith in him but it started to fade ages ago.

"Uh. I feel like I'm forgetting something..." Dan said, Phil walked in. Phil always reminded Dan to talk to you or message you but he always replied with...

Yeah I'll do it later...

Phil told you about this and it hurt a lot, knowing the guy you love is ignoring you is painful.

"Dan, your forgetting you have a GIRLFRIEND." Dans eyes widened.

"OH FUCK Y/N!" He just realised he has been ignoring you for almost half a year now and he hasn't done anything. Dan quickly grabbed his phone and saw all the messages from you.

Dan!!! Hi!

Y/N: Dan?

Y/N: Can you answer me?

That's when he looked at the most recent message...

Y/N: Dan, you know what? I'm SICK of your ignoring me. Have I done something wrong because I tell Phil to CONSTANTLY remind you of me but you brush it off like I'm nothing. I love you but I can NOT STAND you acting like I don't exists. Like worry your cheating on me but now I don't care cause WE'RE OVER! Don't text me, call me. DON'T EVEN SPEAK TO ME AND SEE HOW I FEEL. TO BE HONEST I DON'T EVEN THINK YOU CARE IF I DUMPED YOU.

Dan looked at the message in horror, you felt 100% guilty and wanted to take him back but you know he would just treat you the same. You missed Dan when he'd kiss you and say he loves you but now that is gone.

Dan quickly texted you with.

Dan: NO PLEASE DON'T. I'm sorry Y/N, I never meant to hurt you. I love you, I truly do. I'm just so caught up on stuff lately. PLEASE take me back please please please, I promise I won't do this again.

When Dan sent the message he waited for a couple of minutes till he notice he should of talk to you in person. He shut his computer and rushed outside not caring if it was raining, he got to your house which was a long train journey and knocked on the door to see you standing there with a dull expression.

"Dan?" You asked, before you could say anything he kissed he passionately and pushed you against the door. He managed to push him back.

"Dan? What are you doing here? I TOLD YOU WE'RE OVER! And yes I saw your message." You thought he was gonna say something but he choked them up and started to cry and hug you, he left tear marks on your shirt. This was the first time you saw Dan cry; he doesn't get upset normally.

"P-P-Please Y-Y/N..." You hugged him back slowly and patted his back. You released him from the hug.

"Sorry." You said as you could the door on him, leaving him tearful in the rain as you regretted what you've done.


Thanks, this is part 1, part 2 will be up soon. I know would not do this sort of thing but I needed a imagine like this in this crap book. I started to take this book more seriously than I did last year and expect better and longer chapters. Also sorry for the lot text message you sent Dan I don't know why I made it so long o-o

Anyway thanks for reading :) x

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