I Love You.

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Dan tells you he loves you.

You were sitting at home next to a window holding a dead flower, that's the relationship between you and your ex. Dead. You date so many guys yet they leave you in such short time. You date for like a month then they move on to there true love. It happens to you a lot but you always get hurt, you always change yourself just to be with a boy longer but it ends up being like a week relationship.

"Y/N?" Dan climbed through the window and sat next to you. You and Phil have known each other for years but when he showed to Dan; he turned into a best friend. You do have a tiny crush on him but to forget about it you date guys hoping they'd clear your mind of him but it doesn't work.

"Hi Dan." You faced him, he's twinkling brown eyes and his wonderful hair. You could basically look at him for hours.

"So...You feeling better?" He asked you, You stayed silent and sighed. Of course you weren't how could you be? No one loves you and the guy you like the most is probably gonna leave you if you tell him how you feel.

"Yeah." You mumbled, he could tell your lying. He lifted your chin and you could see his soft smile.

"Please don't be depressed. Your amazing, awesome, talented and the best. Those guys are dicks!" He said making you chuckle weakly, you pushed back his hand and looked away from him.

tell him, tell him, tell him.

"Yeah but," You sighed. "I've dated so many guys and no one seems to like me." After you said that Dan looked a bit hurt, like you were not including him. You ignored it but couldn't stop thinking of reasons why he might have done that face.

"No. There is someone who likes you so much they'll do ANYTHING for you, you just haven't notice them." Dan put his head down. "You know what...bye." He put a hand on the knob.

"No!" You pulled his other arm. "Dan...don't go." He sighed and let his hand go of the door knob.

"Y/N..." It was silent. "I love you." Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as he said those words. "I know you mi-"

Before he could finished you kissed his cheek softly than smiled at him.

"I love you as well." He kissed your lips gently for 3 seconds than removed his soft lips from yours smiling.


I know total crap. I did say this one would be cute but...I AM TO INNOCENT. I wanted to change this into like a, Dan and Phil Imagines book but I can't do Phil imagines...

Twitter: @ItsOnlyLizzi

I had a twitter for ages, it's just random stuff on it like Big Hero 6, Dan and Phil, Paramore, FOB, and me retweeting everything 5SOS have tweeted...ever.


Dan Howell ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora