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Magnus was sitting on a chair, reading a book in his room.  Having just been restored, he wanted some peace from everyone and everything right now.  Even Alex, to be honest.  He wasn't really in the mood to deal with her at the second.  And yes, it sounds bad, but she felt like this sometimes too.
A knock sounded at his door, much to his annoyance and he slowly and reluctantly rose from his seat, not wanting to answer it.  When he answered it, he saw Alex standing there, her heterochromic eyes  gleaming.
"Maggie, why are you hiding out here?" she asked.
He frowned.  "I wanted some peace and quiet."
She raised her eyebrows in surprise and smiled, grabbing his wrist.  "Okay."  She dragged them both into the room and sat next to him on the chair.
He sighed.  "Alone, Alex, I meant time alone."
She pouted childishly, something he never thought he'd do.  "Okay then, if my company isn't good enough for you, I guess I'll go bug TJ instead."
She stood up, about to leave but Magnus caught her wrist, pulling her back down.  "Sorry..." he muttered.
She smiled.  "No problem."  Then, she wrapped her arms around him while he continued reading.
"Read for me?" she asked and he smiled.
"Fine, ''I said that one went down like a lead balloon,' said the serpent'...'"

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