'Hannah, what's the formula of pi?' He asks.
What the shit? I don't know. 'I don't know.' I shrug, cheeks flushing red from embarrassment.

'Not acceptable, give me an answer.' He continues. 'I told you, i don't know the answer. Maybe if you taught us it before asking then i'd be able to give you the answer.' I snap back.

'Maybe if you listened you'd be able to work it out! How dare you talk back to me in my own room.' He raises his voice a little.

I scoff, 'I was answering your question.' I state plainly. 'That's it, you've earned yourself an after school detention for tomorrow.' He continues and i roll my eyes.

He scoffs and continues teaching. I'm soooo glad my mom won't know about this.

We finish maths. I speed walk out of that classroom.

I have science next then two hours of history. Which is boring.

The bell sounds, telling us school is over. Im a little wound up because of my detention but at least i'm seeing my dad tonight, and Elissa is coming over.

'Hey!' Elissa waves from the stairs and i run up to her. 'Hey.' I smile. My phone buzzes and it's my dad telling me he's here.

'This way, dads here.' I smile. We walk over to the car and climb in the back seat.

'Hey dad.' I smile. 'Hey honey how was your day?' He says as he starts driving home.
'Awful. I may or may not have scored myself a detention after school.' I frown.

'What? What happened?' Phoebe asks.
'He picked on me about this formula and i didn't know the answer so i simply said i don't know and he said it wasn't acceptable and he wants an answer and i said 'if i knew the answer i'd give you it.' or something like that.' I shrug.

'He sounds like a jerk.' Phoebe rolls her eyes. 'Which teacher was that?' Elissa asks. 'Mr Trueman.' I sigh. 'Oh yeah, he is a jerk.' She nods and chuckles a little.

'How was your day Elissa?' Colin asks.
'It was okay, had a headache after second period though.' She shrugs. 'As long as you had a relatively good day.' Phoebe smiles.

We make it home.

'Thanks dad, thank you phoebe.' I smile, Elissa thanks them too as we get out.

I unlock the door and we walk in.

'Home sweet home.' I smile. 'Holy shit!' She grins. 'What?' I ask with a chuckle. 'Fancy house.' She nods approvingly. 'Thanks.' I chuckle.

'I'm going to grab a cookie then we can sit and do the script.' I smile.

Me and Elissa grab something to eat before we head up to my room and start on the script.

'So i feel like it's a little dramatic.' I frown.
'It's theatre, it's supposed to be dramatic.' She chuckles. 'You don't think it's too much?' I ask with a raised eyebrow. 'No, i think it's fine.' She smiles.

'Good, we need to write our scenes out.' I say as i open my laptop. We sit back in my bed and watch rough night whilst we work.

'I love this scene.' Elissa says as we watch them try dump this guys body out to sea.

'Pippa is my fav.' I smile and she agrees. 'Okay but fuck marry kill them.' She says with a smirk. 'My mom is in this!' I chuckle.

'You don't have to do your mom, obvi.' She grins. 'Okay fine, kill alice and frankie, fuck blair and marry pippa.' I say,

'Id kill alice, marry pippa and frankie, fuck blair and jess.' She shrugs. 'Ewww!' I giggle and so does she.

We continue working through until there's a knock on my door.

'Hey mom.' I smile. 'Hey, i didn't realise you still had company but we need to talk later.' Lizzie says. 'This about maths?' I ask and she nods, which makes me groan in annoyance.

'How did you even find out about that? I was hoping i could keep it secret.' I sigh which makes elissa chuckle. 'Scarlett has this app the school has that tracks behaviour, sorry honey!' She chuckles.

'Great. Okay well we won't be much longer.' I half smile and she nods, closing my door.

'How are you getting home?' I ask elissa.
'Mom can pick me up in ten.' She smiles.
'Okay sounds good.' I smile.

We work for another five minutes before going downstairs to get her shoes, coat and bag.

'You going home?' Lizzie asks and Elissa nods. 'Thank you for letting me stay.' Elissa smiles. 'Anytime, how are you getting home?' Lizzie asks. 'My moms picking me up.' Elissa explains as she puts her shoe on.

'Okay great.' Lizzie smiles before sitting down in the living room.

'My moms here, thanks hannah.' She says as she hugs me. 'Anytime, see you soon.' I smile.

She leaves and closes the door behind her.

'Han get your butt in here!' Scarlett says from the living room. I groan as i walk in.
'Why do you have a thirty minute after school detention?' She asks with a raised eyebrow.

I explain what happened to her, and she was on my side but told me i should still do the detention.

'Next time just don't say anything.' Lizzie chuckles. 'It's hard not to call dumbasses out.' I sigh. 'Language. And honestly... fair enough.' Scarlett shrugs.

'Oh there's a party tomorrow night, can i go?' I ask and they both look at eachother.

'Whose party?' Scarlett asks.

'Emilia and teddy's.' I say.

'Where is it?' Lizzie asks.

'Emilias house.' I answer.

'Whose going?' Scarlett raises an eyebrow.

'Me, max, joe, emilia, teddy. It's more like just hanging out really.'

'You called it a party, that's not a party. Will there be drugs?' Lizzie raises an eyebrow.

'I don't think so?' I shrug.

'Alcohol?' She asks again.

'I don't know.' I say.

'Will her mom be there?' Scarlett asks.

'I don't know.' I sigh.

'You can go but if i pick you up and you're high you're never leaving the house again.' Lizzie says sternly. 'Fine by me, i hate leaving the house anyways.' I smile.

'Curfew is eleven.' Scarlett says and i nod.
'Thank you, also phoebe wants me to stay with her on saturday.' I say.

'And you want to go?' Scarlett asks with a raised eyebrow.

'Yep!' I smile.

'That's fine.' Lizzie smiles.

'Thank you.' I grin.