Chapter 16

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For those graduating, Go forth and conquer! You have a world of opportunity in front of you! I'm going to give you a tip; Don't spend money when you don't know what you want to do. It's pointless and a literal waste of time and money.

Please do something I didn't, think before you do.

On that note, I leave you my best wishes and this chapter that was long awaited, I am so very sorry.


After two hours of crying the tears stopped and it was just dry heaving.

When I had finally gotten over my crying, I thought about why I was crying.

He wasn't my boyfriend. He didn't break up with me. He didn't cheat on me. I have no real reason to be upset over this. Granted I am hurt that he left without a goodbye.

I decided that I would not get worked up even more over this. Decided that I didn't need problems like this in my life. I have a fantastic job, the best friend I could ever have; I am living my dream! I am in New York of all places, and succeeding!

I should be happy! Not crying over some one that's not even really mine.

I'm Adaliad James, average body size, single. I'm only 24 and I have my whole life ahead of me. I should be living like tomorrow may be my last day.

Filled with confidence, I jump out of my bed and check my face to see if it looks that bad from crying. Only a little puffy around the eyes. I open my door and walk into the living room with a huge smile on my face,

"Kami! We need to get drunk. I haven't partied since we got jobs, you down?" I plop on the couch beside her.

She looked at me as if I grew two extra heads. "Two and a half hours ago you went in to you room and I can tell you cried the whole time. What up?"

"I got upset because Knox left without saying anything. Then, after I cried my life away, I realized there was no reason to be crying over some stupid boy. We're young, with great jobs, living in New York. We have our whole lives to learn from our mistakes and I want to start now. So, yes or no to getting drunk?" I finished with a deep breath.

By the look in her eyes I have six head and extra arms. "Addy, darling, I would love to get drunk with you and make mistakes, but it's Sunday. How about next Friday? After work sound good?"I hug her and tell her that it's a plan.

Hopping up off the couch I go back to my room and shower. Putting pajamas back on I sit back on my bed and turn on my tv.

Not finding anything on there worth watching, I grab my laptop and go to Netflix.

I found Gossip Girl and thought why not watch it? I heard that it was a pretty good show.

About half way through the first season, I figured it was time I came out of my room.

I walked into the living room to see nobody on the couch, though the TV was on. I wondered into the kitchen and it was empty as well. I walked down the hall towards Kami's room and leaned against the door to see if I could hear anything.

"Come on Charlie, we've made it this far without anyone finding out about us. Why can't you stay with me?" I heard Kami's voice crack.

"I don't want to. I'm married, you're still a child." The bastard replied, sounding like a robot.

"Y-you can't do th-this. W-why are you d-doing this?" I hear her cry.

"Because I'm not in love with you." Now it sounds like he's running off a script.

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