Best day ever

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After this morning I don't even want to go to school but I do anyways. I trust Sandy won't tell anyone but I don't think Scott does.

This morning after Sandy left he locked himself in our bathroom and said he'll be late to school but he'll text me when he gets there.

In second period Mrs. Brenner's rambling something about stem cells but I could care less. I'm fully focused on my phone just waiting for that single buzz letting me know he's alright.

"Mr. Foster?" Ughh bitch "Would you like to tell the rest of the class what could possibly be more interesting than my lesson?" does she want a real answer? Here's one. "Literally anything is less boring that this, I would rather watch paint dry all the way on a 60 by 60 ft surface Mrs. Brenner." How's that for an answer wench?

"Nathan you can take that attitude straight to the principal!" I have a better idea "How bout I take it straight out of school right now?" That brings many cheers from other kids and I can hear them all the way until I'm out of the room.

Right now I'm still concerned about Scott. He hasn't texted me at all and it's almost lunch.

Just as I get into my car I get a text.

-Big burly dickwad

I'm staying home don't                     NOW  feel good 

I really gotta change that name.
And lucky for Scott I'm going home anyways.


I don't want to leave him at school but I can't be there right now, the look on Sandy's face when she saw us, it was too much.

She said she wouldn't tell anyone but I don't know if I can trust her, I know her and she isn't known for keeping secrets.

What if she tells John, WHAT IF SHE TELLS SAM?! What would he think? Would he be ok, or would he hate me? What if she already told him.

My breathing is panicked and I feel dizzy, I lay on my bed for a few minutes before I hear the front door open.

Is it Sam? He didn't come home last night. Did he know. He's gonna kill me oh my god oh my god.

There's a knock at my bedroom door and I try to prepare myself for the worst.

"Scotty?" It's not Sam. It's the only voice I wanna hear right now. "Are you ok?" Nathan.

"Y-yeah I'm fine you can come in, if you want." God I'm so stupid who says that.

He takes the invite and slowly sits down next to me. "Nathan you need to be at school or something. Why are you here?" I sound like an asshole.

"Because Scott, one of your closest friends saw us together and I'm worried about you." He's worried about me? He's worried about me.

I try not to overthink it but I can't help it. "Why would you worry about me though? You have so may other things to think about, why think about me? I'm fine, seriously I'm absolutely peachy!" Ok that last part was a bit rough, the whole thing was rough actually.

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