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Ok and I'm here take this stupid shit

Ok and I'm here take this stupid shit

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Thats totally how therapy works

Yes just yes it's literally two am on a school day and I can't sleep so new chapter!

Got inspired finally so I hope this is like okay😐

John's a new character go with it I need more people in this story because there has to be conflict at some point right 😏

*One week later*


I don't even know why we're doing this again but we're throwing another party, I have school tomorrow, I can't be doing this, one week into 12th grade and I'm getting shit faced.

The whole normal group is here including Nathan and a shit ton of other people but only a few of us are playing never have I ever. Including Nathan did I say that already? Whatever.

Me, Sandy, John, Sam, and Nathan are sitting around the coffee table in the living room playing never have I ever. As if it wasn't already obvious Nathan has taken the most drinks and he's starting to visibly seem tipsy.

He looks kind of hot like that.

God do I have no restraint?!

Im lost in thought when suddenly it's my turn.
"Never have I ever gotten a tattoo."

To my surprise John takes a drink and not to my surprise so does Nathan.

"Oooh I wanna hear about this!" Sandy looks like absolutely flabbergasted for some reason probably the alcohol and John decides to tell us about his tattoo first.

"Welll y'know when I wasss... oh thirteen ithinkk, I tattooed a boner onmy foot. And itsstill there." His words are slurred and he's laughing like crazy at this point.

Sandy's looking at him with sort of an annoyed expression but the rest of us are all laughing.

Now it's time for Nathan's story.

Honestly I don't expect him to show us but he does anyway. He pulls down the neck of his shirt exposing his pec along with some, small black smudges? I've seen those before, I thought they were birthmarks or something.

We all have a confused look on our faces and John finally asks "whattt... isit?"

And being the "mysterious little hot bad boy" he is, he says "Oh well I dunno if you'd get it oranything."

That bitch. Of course. He would do that

I don't know what it is but I'm feeling extra pissy now.

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