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Ok so basically nothing happens in this scene except for like a huge ass slow burn, so sorry babes yell at me later, but for now just read and give feed back I'm attention starved.:)

Also there's a pic of my rat if u like to see her <3Moving on!

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Also there's a pic of my rat if u like to see her <3
Moving on!

I never called him Nate, except for that night. From what I had seen, only people really close to him called him Nate, hell, even Sam only called him Nate once or twice. Ever since two years ago he pretty much beat up anyone who called him that name. And I just said it.

The car ride home was very quiet.
"So uh Nathan, how uh was your trip?"

It's about a minute before he answers "Good."

"Um did you, did you have fun?" I try to keep the conversation going.

Another minute "Yeah".

"What um did you do" this is not working.

This time two minutes "Stuff".

"Okay" I can tell he's done for now and I decide to just shut up.
Why is he avoiding me?


When we get home I realize I had completely forgotten that he was going back to his old room, next to mine, with a connected bathroom, which I may or may not have forgotten to clean when he was gone. For the whole summer. Fuck.

I go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed, i don't want to deal with this right now but I can hear him unpacking all of his stuff, which apparently includes a really fucking loud speaker that he decides to play even louder music on.

No one and I mean no one is allowed in his room ever, no one had even gone in there before, until me, and I was about to go in there again.

"Fuck it" I open his door and slowly step in.

When I walk in the music engulfs me like a loud blanket and I almost have to cover my ears.

"What're you doing in my room?" Why does he think?

"Your music's to freaking loud" I say reaching for his speaker.

"Don't you dare touch that" he's being oddly nice for me coming in his room unannounced.

"Why not, you're probably not gonna do it asshole," I say turning off the speaker.

And with that he stands up.

"What did you just call me, Scott?" He starts walking towards me but I can't back up anymore, I'm against a wall. My brain is failing but I keep it together on the outside.

"See Scott, I don't think I'm the asshole when I asked you nicely to not touch my speaker." He's getting closer now.

"You um you didn't even ask me you just told me rudely not to and uh and expected me to do everything you said." He's dangerously close now, I can almost hear his pulse.  And I'm freaking out.

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