I felt a sudden rush when Phayu turned to me, looking handsome in his typical smile. It's only then that I noticed how close we were to each other, his face is literally just inches away from me. Other than his tempting eyes and alluring features, I couldn't help but notice his pinkish lips and the little beauty mark he had on the left side of his upper lip. I know he's handsome and all but seeing him this close makes it feel surreal.

"I can't believe the main office really did that."

"I know. They should've informed us..."

The voice from outside alarmed me as I instantly stepped away from Phayu. I have to get a hold of myself.

"Uhm, I gotta go." I mumbled as I got my coffee and left the kitchen area, leaving Phayu.


I can't believe I'm actually getting worked up at the fact that Phayu also liked my ultimate bias. But what did he actually mean when he said if he had the chance? That he's actually open about dating a guy?

"Ugh, stop imagining things Rain!" I exclaimed as I got up from bed.

It's been hours since I got home but I just can't get any sleep because I keep thinking about Phayu. It's troubling enough that I have work tomorrow and now my mind won't give me a break.

"Does he like Stray Kids too...?" I asked myself as I remembered the albums I had in one of the boxes.

Maybe I could talk to him about it tomorrow. It's been so long since I've let my fan-boy side come to light because I had no one to talk about it with. If Phayu really likes them, I can invite him over to check out my collection.

"Invite him..." I uttered as I roamed my eyes and a heavy sigh escaped my lips as I realized how untidy my apartment looked.

I think it's time to organize my place.


Since it's already late, I only rummaged along the boxes to check the contents since the lazy me was too hurt to tag labels before packing and moving out. While arranging a few magazines, I was able to find my old year book and thesis. It's been years since I graduated and seeing these now makes me nostalgic. I stopped as I saw more stuff in the box, it seems like I dumped everything in one box while packing. From my high school yearbook to a few sketchbooks I had in grade school, it's a total mess.

Glancing at the wall clock, I turned to the books and papers on the floor. I knew I told myself I'll tidy up but I ended up making more mess. Letting out another sigh, I decided to organize it on the weekends. I live alone so leaving things like this for a while would be fine.

As I was about to stand up, a light pink colored book cover caught my attention. It stood out from the pile of dark maroon and gray books that were placed in the box which made me curious. I don't remember any pink book I had since business books often had white, gray, or any similar color, never pink.

I crouched down to reach it before pulling it out and it was when I remembered.

"D-damn. I can't believe I still had this hahaha." I laughed bitterly as I remembered the scrapbook I made with my friends in high school.

Looking back, I had a fairly enjoyable childhood. Though I only grew up with my father after the divorce, I was happy that I made a lot of friends in our neighborhood. It was the same when I attended school since everyone was nice to me. This really takes me back.

I opened the old dented scrapbook and laughed my heart out at the content. Every one of my friends had their details on every page and it's funny how cheesy their messages for me were. On the twelfth page, I saw Sky's and I felt happy reading his message for me.

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