Alice open her eyes, as she became impatient and grab the other's forearms and look at him with the most vulnerable face she could make and uttered a whine and shy.

"Take it off of me, I'm all yours Ethan"

Ethan stare at his omega, bending a bit down and nuzzle his nose on her cheeks sweetly, hands softly roaoming her soft skin and he kiss her cheeks.

"My baby"

Alice felt her stomach filled with butterflies and flying birds.

Ethan pulled her to his body and burried his face in her neck and starts to kiss it softly, Alice curl her hands around his neck and throws her head back as harsh and pleasurable sucks felt in her neck that it tingle her body with such contentment.

Ethan's hand rubbed her back and it came infront touching her tummy, sneaking up to her chest ,his palms brushing over both of her nipples and it reach upwards to her shoulders and it slowly slide the hoodie off of her arms and landing it to the floor, letting it pool around her legs.

Now both stand in the middle of the room, with Ethan shirtless and only wearing his sweatpants and Alice all naked and only in her underwear.

Alice placed her hands on her chest, body still attached to her alpha as she look up from his neck to his eyes.

The omega eyes hold such shyness and softness that it melt the alpha's heart into puddle that he tucked the string of hair behind her ear delicately.

"I Love You" Ethan says softly, smiling so lovingly at her that it made Alice want to hide in his arms for forever.

Alice smile softly and brush her nose to Ethan's cutely. "I Love You More"

Ethan lean down and press their lips together for a short peck and pull back and took few steps backwards to gaze at his Omega.

Alice smile bashfully as the heat creep up from her neck to her cheeks warming her face in heavy blush as Ethan look at her body in amazement and love filling his eyes.

Ethan breath hitched as his eyes trailed to her smooth thighs and twitch at the wet fabric of her underwear and going upwards to her pudgy tummy, amazed at how the skin looks to bite-able and suck-able to do wonders with his mouth.

He walked forward and placed his hands to her bare sides and pull her flushed to his body.

"My beautiful Moon"

He gushed out with so much love and fondness in his voice and eyes that Alice felt over the moon.

Alice beamed with shining eyes and stood on the alpha's legs while curling her arms around his neck.

"Am I?"

Ethan nuzzle his face into her cheeks lovingly and muttered. "So so pretty and guess what?"

Ethan chuckled huskily and whisper in her ear. "You're Only mine"

Alice bite her lips but the happy giggle still leave her mouth and she kiss the alpha's cheek sweetly.
"I don't believe it..."

She went closer to his ear and whisper seductively. "Show me.."

"Show me that I'm all yours."

And the next thing Alice knew, she was lifted up from the floor and her back landed on the soft mattress with the alpha hovering above her naked body and his lips harshly sucking her throbbing mating mark making her arched her back from the bed at the butterflies wilding all over her body.

"Such a tease hm" Ethan trailed butterfly kisses to her neck and jaw while his hands freely roaming around her body like magnet, attached to her soft smooth skin.

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