chapter 5// Orphaned

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"Whatever Kate did to me she took everything" Derek said.

"Yea you have a different eye color." I said.

"Yea I know" Derek said.

"Can someone with good strength stay here and wait for him to wake up" deaton said.

Everyone looked at me.

"Don't yall look at me, I hate this kid" I said.

"Derek don't have strength, it has to be you" stiles said

"Peter is here" I said.

"I stopped In, I'm leaving now" Peter said.

"Hate all of you" I said.

They all smiled and left. I sat on top of the counter and wait for Brett to wake up. I got bored so I started looking through all the cabinets.

"Deaton don't have anything fun to do" I said.

"Maybe because it's a clinic not play area" Brett said.

I jump back a bit and grab a blade and put it to his neck.

"What the hell" I said.

"Put the blade down" Brett said.

I pull it away from his neck.

"Why are you still here" Brett asked.

"I got volunteered" I said.

"Oh come on, you take down everyone that was in this room" Brett said.

"I could but it would be a weird family dinner" i said.

I sit back on the counter and stiles is calling me.


Rose: what

Stiles: you busy?

Rose: no

Stiles: good come to the police station

Rose: coming


"I'm leaving you have fun. And next time you almost die I'm not helping" I said.

"Thank you tho" Brett said.

I roll my eyes and walk out. I walk to the station. I wasn't far from the clinic. I walk in and I find stiles.

"Whats up" I said to stiles.

"Look" stiles said.

"Why's Parrish on the list" I asked.

"We don't know, but we brought you just incase it goes south" Lydia said.

"Oh ok" i said.

"Your dad should be back within the hour. You want to wait in his office?" Parrish asked.

"Actually, we want to talk to you." Stiles said.

"Privately." Lyida said.

We walk into the Sherrif stlinskis office and I close the door. Lydia hands him the list.

"This is a hit list?" Parrish asked.

"We call it a Dead Pool. Recognize any of the names?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah. The Sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night. But we couldn't find any of them." Parrish said

"Show him the other thing." Stiles said.

I flip over the paper.

"Okay. That's kind of terrifying. What's the number?" Parrish asked.

"That's how much you're worth." Lydia said

Trust No One// Teen Wolf Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang