Sudden Move

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    Hours later, Yo-ka was sitting next to Faith in the ER at the Tokyo hospital. Faith was out cold and hasn't yet woken up from losing blood from saving his life from the ninjas. The nurse tried to make Yo-ka leave several hours before, but he refused to leave his true loves side.
     Yo-ka truly loved Faith with all his heart and nothing and nobody was going to make him move away from her. He looked at her motionless in the hospital bed, looking rather pale as a ghost, Yo-ka then suddenly began to cry really hard. He felt like this was all his fault that Faith was in the hospital in a possible coma, he couldn't believe she was willing to risk her life to save his.
    He thought , he should be the one laying in the hospital bed not her. At this moment, the doctor came in looking rather worried, Yo-ka walked over to him, "Well, how is Faith, is she going to live?" The doctor looked at Yo-ka weakly, "Yo-ka I'm sorry to say, your girlfriend is not going to make it." Yo-ka looked at the doctor in disbelief, "What do you mean she won't make it?!" The doctor looked at Faith's test results, "Well, it seems your girlfriend is a coma and only has about five minutes to live."
     Yo-ka fell to his knees and began to ball his eyes out. He couldn't believe that Faith was slipping away, he was in between being mad and upset that the ninjas took his only love away from him. He tried so hard not to explode in anger at the doctor, for not trying his hardest to save Faith's life. The doctor then walked out to let Yo-ka have his last moments with Faith, he sensed that he had over stayed his welcome so he left.
      Once the doctor left, Yo-ka sat back down next to Faith. He looked at her beautiful face and stroked her right cheek with his hand, "I can't believe you're slipping away my love, I can't stand the thought of you going, in fact I can't imagine life without you here with me." Yo-ka then ran his hands through Faith's black hair, "I was hoping we could have a future together and raise a family, but I guess thats never going to happen now."
     At this moment, the heart monitor began to beep very loudly.Yo-ka called for the nurses to come and moments later they came running into the room. They surrounded Faith and tried everything to help her, but nothing seemed to work. Moments later, the monitor started to flat line, the nurses turned to Yo-ka, "She's gone, I'm so sorry."
Yo-ka ran out of the hospital, then fell to his knees. Faith was gone out of his life forever and he felt like he would never love again. He then jumped in his car and drove towards the dojo to do some training. Just because his love was gone, he still had to continue to train the samurai for war in the future.

Once Yo-ka reached the dojo, he went to the kitchen to make himself some tea. He then headed towards his meditation room, he felt like he needed to clear his mind before training. He sat down on his futon and began to meditate, for that moment Yo-ka was at peace with himself.
After a while though, a samurai warrior came in with a note. He ran up to Yo-ka and handed the note off to him, "It's a note from the nurse at the hospital." Yo-ka looked at the note, it read:

If you believe in miracles come
to the hospital at once. I found a way
to help Faith.
Nurse Holly Winchester

Whoever this Holly Winchester was really wanted to help Yo-ka. The thing was is he was questioning if he could trust her, he had nothing to lose after all. After a moment,Yo-ka decided to trust Holly Winchester and went to his car to drive back to the hospital.

Once back at the hospital, Yo-ka got out of his car and ran up to the elevator. He got in and pushed the button to lead him to the ER, where Faith was last seen. Once the elevator stopped and the door opened, he ran down the hallway to the ER. Once he reached it, he opened the door to find three people standing around Faith's body.
One of the three people around Faith, walked over to him, "Hi, I'm Sam Winchester and that is my brother Dean Winchester, then of course one of our sisters Holly Winchester." Yo-ka shook the Winchesters hands, just then the door opened again, this time one of Faith's friends, Elizabeth walked in, "Hi, sorry it took me so long to get her, my purple 1987 Chevy impala had issues I had to fix."
Yo-ka looked at Elizabeth confused, "Wait, you're a Winchester Elizabeth?" Elizabeth nodded, "Well, kinda I'm married to Dean so yeah I'm kinda Winchester."Elizabeth then came in and set her stuff down next to Faith's bed side. She grabbed several things from her bag and set them on the table next to the hospital bed.
She mixes a few liquids together and then poured it in a syringe to inject into Faith, "I must warn you this might her half vampire Yo-ka, are you sure you want to risk this?" Yo-ka thought about it, he really wanted Faith back in his life, even if it meant she would be craving blood, even his own blood.
Yo-ka nodded, "I'm sure I'm willing to risk it." Elizabeth then took the needle and jabbed it into Faith's left arm, then she injected the liquid into it. Once she was done,she took the needle and waited to see what happened. For a moment, nothing happened, then Faith's eyes opened and she looked at Yo-ka, "Hi my love did you miss me."
Yo-ka hugged Faith, "I thought I lost you." Faith smiled and hugged Yo-ka back, Yo-ka then got down on one knee and pulled out a tiny box out of his pocket, "Faith Zuzula, will you marry me and make me the happiest Japanese man on earth?" Faith started to cry tears of happiness, " Yes , Yo-ka Shuya I will marry you a million times yes."
Yo-ka lifted Faith in the air and kissed her on the lips. He was finally going to marry the girl of his dreams and he couldn't wait to tell the other members of Diaura the good news.

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