Kei's Transformation

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       The next day, Faith decided to surprise Kei at the dojo later that evening. She wanted to see him again so bad, since the date the night before she couldn't stop thinking about him. All night, she was dreaming about him and she has a great nights sleep because of it. 
     She jumped out of bed and went to call a rental car dealership. She asked the owner how much a car rental would be for the day, for a Lexus it would be about $100. She then thanked the lady on the phone and hung up to go get dressed.
     She grabbed her purple kimono out of the closet and slipped it on. Once that was done, she went to the bathroom to put on some light makeup for the day. Once she was all done, she called her friend Elizabeth up, "Hey, buddy can you take me to the car dealership this morning?" Elizabeth looked at the time on her end, "For sure I will be there in twenty minutes to pick you up."
   Faith thanked Elizabeth, then hung up the phone. Then she grabbed her purse and went outside to wait for Elizabeth to show up and pick her up from the hotel.Once Elizabeth arrived at the hotel,Faith got in her car and they headed out to breakfast and to do some shopping for a surprise for Kei when they go to the dojo.

When they arrived in town, Faith and Elizabeth got out of her car and walked around to find a place to eat breakfast. They both decided to eat at a local ramen noodle place and sat to discuss their daily plans, "I was thinking we could stop by a men's clothing store and buy Kei a new kimono." Faith said after taking a huge bite of her ramen noodles.
Elizabeth smiled, "That is a great idea, he would love that." After they got done eating their breakfast and drinking their coffee, they got up and headed towards the kimono shop next door. It took a while to find a perfect kimono for Kei to have as his own. Faith looked around the store for at least a half hour, till a certain kimono caught her eye.
It was a navy blue kimono, with a red dragon on the back side. It was the perfect one for Kei and Faith decided it was the one to get him, so she went to the counter to buy it for him. Once they were out of the shop, they then headed for a tea shop, to buy some tea for the dojo since last time she was there, they were running low.
Faith bought some ginger tea and some really good green tea for Kei. Faith purchased some peach tea and pomegranate tea for herself, then went to meet up with Elizabeth outside the shop. They both then headed for a sweet shop to buy some sweets for Kei also.
Faith bought a load of Japanese sweets including hi chews and some matcha green tea pocky. Once she purchased all her items, she looked at her watch, "I think it's time to pick up my rental from the dealership."Elizabeth nodded and they both got into the car, then headed towards the car dealership.

Once at the dealership, Faith went inside to talk to the front counter about her car rental, "Hi, I rented out a Lexus for the day." The lady at the counter checked the computer, "For Faith Zuzula?" Faith nodded, "Then right this way, follow me." Faith followed the women outside to the rental cars to get Faith's rental ready to get picked up.
Once they reached her car, Faith was in complete shock. For her Lexus car was purple like her and her dads favorite color, Hyde would have been so jealous if he was there.
Faith paid the lady the rental amount and then thanked her for everything. She then grabbed her stuff from Elizabeth's car and put it in the Lexus, then she hugged Elizabeth goodbye, then got in her car to drive to the dojo.

Once at the dojo, the samurai greeted Faith with open arms, "Welcome back Faith, it's great to see you again." Faith bowed as the samurai as he opened the gates to the dojo for her and let her in with a smiling face.
Faith walked around the dojo, looking for Kei ,but couldn't find him anywhere. She then went to the masters quarters to find him, crying over a picture of the old samurai master Yo-ka. Faith went over to comfort Kei, but he jumped back looking rather upset, "Don't you touch me, I don't deserve you anymore Faith, I've changed I can't be with you anymore."
Faith looked confused , "Kei, my love what are you talking about, you haven't changed you are the same when we met." Kei shock his head, "You don't understand I've been cursed, I'm no longer a samurai warrior, I'm a monster." Faith tried to get closer to him, but Kei kept pushing her away, "Faith I can't be with you, I can hurt you if I'm not careful."
Kei looked outside to see the full moon rising, he started to cry, "Please Faith, leave I don't wanna hurt you." Just as he said these words though, Kei began to scream in pain and he fell to the ground. He grabbed at his chest and fangs started to grow out of his mouth, also his loving caring blue eyes turned a bright red.
Faith didn't know what to do, but run out of the room scared. Her surprise for Kei was ruined, for now he was a blood sucking vampire of the night. She ran out to her car and started the engine, then headed back to the hotel. She thought to herself, that she would never love again.

Once back at the hotel, Faith crawled into bed and began to ball. Whoever cursed Kei really didn't want her to find love and she just wanted to go home. Her vacation wasn't over yet, but now that her love was cursed, she couldn't stand being there.
She packed her stuff and decided it was time to go home. Faith called Lee to take her to the airport the next day, then she got into her bed to fall asleep to get ready to head home to her dad to fall into his arms to cry about how the terrible turn of events made her come home early to be with him.

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