War in Japan

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The next day in Japan, Faith woke up by a wonderful aroma filling the house. It smelt like Yo-ka was home and he was making breakfast for the both of them. She tried to get out of bed to go see what he was cooking, but Yo-ka peeked through the door and shook his head, "Don't you move from that spot my love, I'm making a surprise breakfast in bed for you."
Yo-ka then went back out into the kitchen to continue cooking. Faith smiled, she loved surprises and she couldn't wait to see what Yo-ka was whipping up for them. Moments later Yo-ka came in with a dinner tray full of food and some tea, also on the side of the tray was a single red rose in a vase.
He set the tray of food on Faith's lap, "Here you go my love a lovely breakfast in bed just for you." Faith looked down on the tray to see what seemed to be a small breakfast buffet, there was cheesy eggs, biscuits with sausage gravy and a bowl of ramen soup. She hugged Yo-ka, "Thank you Yo-ka, you are so sweet to do this for me."
Yo-ka smiled, "There are more surprises coming today my love, believe me." Yo-ka then walked out of the room, to let Faith finish her breakfast. After she was done, Faith got up to get dressed in something to impress Yo-ka that day, she went to her suitcase to pick an outfit.
She picked up a blue dress that was just perfect and went to the bathroom to put it on. She then did some light blue eyeshadow and black eyeliner to finish the look. Then she went back to her suitcase to pick some blue flats, to wear with the dress. She looked in the mirror to see how she looked, she looked absolutely stunning, Yo-ka was going to be so stunned by the way she looked.
Some how on que, Yo-ka walked in and immediately stopped in front of her, mouth wide open in shock, "Wow, Faith you look so gorgeous in that dress." Faith smiled and bowed to Yo-ka, "Why that you master Yo-ka I really appreciate the compliment."
Yo-ka then held out his right arm, "Come with me, I have somethings I wanna to show you around town." Faith wrapped her left arm around Yo-ka's right, he then led her outside to his Honda civic, and helped her into the passenger side. Once she was all buckled up, Yo-ka got into the drivers seat and then headed towards town.

Once in town, Yo-ka helped Faith out of the car. Everything in town seemed so quiet and it seemed weird, usually around mid day the streets were busy. They walked around town looking for any signs of life, but couldn't find any, then they saw one of Yo-ka's samurai warriors running towards them.
"Master Yo-ka, it's bad the ninjas are here in Japan and killing innocent people, what shall we do master?" Yo-ka looked at Faith and then back to his samurai warrior, "We must warn the others, and tell them a war is going to begin, we must go into battle to defend Japan from the intruders."
Yo-ka turned to the samurai warrior, "Take Faith back to the dojo and tell the others to prepare for battle, do you understand?" The samurai nodded, Yo-ka then took both Faith's hands and looked her in her eyes, "I must go to battle my love, our country is under attack, so I must lead the samurai warriors into battle."
Faith started to cry, "I don't wanna leave you Yo-ka, I'm worried if I do, you will get hurt." Yo-ka looked at Faith smiling , then put his right hand on her right cheek, "I know Faith, but you must find shelter in the dojo, don't worry about me I'll be fine." He then kissed Faith's hand and then let the samurai warrior lead her to the dojo.
As they ran to the dojo, Faith saw some horrible things happen around her. Buildings were blowing up around her and ninjas were killing people on the street, including kids who were very young. Also, she could hear bombs going off in the distance, destroying family homes and killing family pets.
Faith couldn't stand the sight of everything getting destroyed around her, Japan was a peaceful country and it hurt her to think that the Japanese samurai were now at war. She didn't wanna to lose another love in her life, especially not Yo-ka, who she truly loved with all her heart.
Finally, after a while, they reached the dojo and opened the front gates. They ran in and went up the front steps to the masters quarters, so Faith could hide. The samurai warrior led Faith to the masters quarters bedroom, then opened the door to let Faith in, "Stay here Faith and whatever you do, don't go out to town towards the battle, we don't want you to get killed out there."
Faith nodded at the samurai warrior, then he closed the door leaving Faith alone in the room. Faith looked outside to see flames coming out of buildings and people running for their lives from the ninjas invading their peaceful country. She couldn't believe that her true love, Yo-ka Shuya, was out battling the nasty ninjas from China.
Faith walked around the dojo, looking rather worried about Yo-ka's safety. Just at that moment, there was cheering of Japanese woman and men, signaling that all the ninjas were dead and that the war was over. Faith couldn't believe that the battle ended so fast and that Yo-ka would be coming back to the dojo soon.
Faith wanted to stay awake for Yo-ka's return to the dojo,but she was getting rather tired. She hopped into master Yo-ka's bed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. The war in Japan was over so quickly and they were a peaceful country once more.

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