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   The next morning at the dojo, Faith woke up to no one next to her. She looked worried Yo-ka should have been back from the war already, but he wasn't in the bed next to her. She got up out of the bed and started to search the dojo, but couldn't find Yo-ka anywhere.
     She went outside to search the grounds where the samurai would train. She looked everywhere on the grounds and still couldn't find her love anywhere in sight. Faith started to panic and ran to the kitchen to warn the other samurai, that Yo-ka was missing.
    Once she arrived at the kitchen, a samurai warrior by the name of Tatsuya handed her a note, "This came from the enemy, it's a warning." Faith looked at it and read it out loud, "We have captured your love Yo-ka and locked him up, if you want him back, you must fight us Faith and only you can rescue him, if I see anyone, but you coming I will kill Yo-ka instantly. From, the ninja leader Jared."
     At this moment, Faith looked like she was about explode. The ninja leader had captured her boyfriend Yo-ka and she was very pissed off about it. She looked at the fellow samurai and then spoke, "I must go rescue Yo-ka by myself , he is in severe danger and his life is on the line."The other samurai tried to argue with her, but she shook her head, "Yo-ka is my boyfriend I must do this my own, if any of you follow me, his life will be at even a higher risk of death."
     At this, Faith went to prepare herself to leave to go fight the ninjas from China. She went back to the dojo and got properly dressed for battle. She couldn't believe she had to rescue her loved one by herself from the invaders. She then went up to the weapon room, to pick out the katana that would help her in battle.
    Her eyes landed on a blue one with a golden dragon on the tip. She grabbed it and put it around her waist, then walked out the door of the dojo. Faith looked up at the sky, "Don't worry my love I'm coming to get you." She then walked down the steps of the dojo and began her journey to fight the ninjas who captured Yo-ka.

      Meanwhile in China, Yo-ka was being tortured by the ninjas, they held whips and tasers, also some other weapons like knives and daggers. Yo-ka was chained to the wall and looking rather like he was in extreme pain, he had tears coming out of his eyes, from being constantly beat by something.
    The ninja leader lifted Yo-ka's head, so they were eye level with his, "I will ask you once again Yo-ka, where is the dragon slayer katana sword?" Yo-ka just gave the ninja the sight treatment and didn't answer his question, which made the master very upset. He ripped the back of Yo-ka's shirt and lifted a very brutal leather whip, "I warned you Yo-ka, now you get 15 lashes for not answering to me."
    Ninja master Jared,then whipped at Yo-Ka's back. Each time the whip made its mark in his skin, Yo-ka screamed in unbearable pain, he cried so hard that his eyes were red. Once Jared was done punishing Yo-ka, he kicked him somewhere unpleasant for any man. Yo-ka fell to his knees in pain, Jared stared into Yo-ka's eyes, "Where is your loving girlfriend now Yo-ka?"
        At this moment, Faith walked in looking rather upset with Jared, "Let Yo-ka go, or you will have to face me." Jared laughed again, "What are you going to do about?" Faith lifted the katana off her belt and pointed it at Jared, "I will kill you on the spot if I have to." Jared took out his sword, "Let us fight then, to the death."
     Faith took a swing at Jared with her katana, as Yo-ka watched in complete shock. He had no idea that his girlfriend could fight with a katana, it was a complete shock for him to see her do it right in front of him. Faith was like a female samurai warrior that could kick ass, especially to protect those she truly loved.
    Jared started to lose control of his dagger and dropped on the ground. He looked at Faith like he was rather scared, so scared he dropped his dagger at her feet, "I can't fight anymore, you truly are a true warrior." Faith then took the keys off of Jared's belt, then walked over to free Yo-ka from the chains.
    Just as things seemed right, Jared picked up his dagger and stabbed Faith in her right hip. Faith fell into Yo-ka's arms, Jared ran out of the room, "You haven't seen the last of me Yo-ka." He then ran for the exit and disappeared out of sight, Yo-ka looked at Faith who was heavily bleeding in his arms. He put his right hand over her wound and began to cry.
     His love was hurt and he didn't know what to do. He looked at Faith in her eyes as she began to fade, "Faith everything is going to be okay, I'm here with you , just stay strong help is on its way." Faith looked Yo-ka in his eyes, "Yo-ka  I can't feel anything, help me please I feel like I'm dying."
    Yo-ka put his left hand on her face, "Help is coming Faith, you're going to be fine." At this a paramedic pulled up and sat down next to them, "We are losing her, she has lost a lot of blood from the past five minutes, we must take her to the ER at once." The paramedics lifted Faith onto a stretcher and put her in the ambulance car, they let Yo-ka get in the back with her.
    They then rushed Faith to the hospital, to get blood pumped into her, before it was too late.

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