Spiritual Awakening

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The next day, Faith got up to get picked up by Lee to head to the airport. Faith grabbed her suitcase and headed out the front door of the hotel, then waited for Lee to show up to pick her up to head to the airport.
     Once Lee showed up, Faith hugged Lee and thanked him for coming to get her. Lee helped Faith get her stuff into the car and then jumped into the drivers seat, while Faith hopped in the back. For a while, they drove to the airport in complete silence, until Lee broke the ice, "Faith is everything okay, you seem quiet."
     Faith looked at Lee as she began to ball again, "Oh Lee it's horrible, Kei says he no longer wants to see me." Lee turned to Faith shocked, "Why what happened, you two were getting along so well." Faith looked at Lee and told him about how Kei got cursed to be a full fleshed blood sucking vampire.
      After Faith was done, Lee looked shocked, "Who in the hell would curse Kei, he is such a sweet guy." Faith shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, but I'm too scared to find out." At this they arrived at the airport and Faith got out of the car, then grabbed her stuff to take into the airport.
    Once in the airport she went through security check and then took her seat. For a while, Faith waited for her flight to be called to fly back to Modesto. All of a sudden, a group of samurai warriors came in looking around, Faith looked rather confused. She thought that the samurai were suppose to be training and instead they were at the airport looking for someone.
    One of them spotted her sitting down and ran over to her, "Faith you must come at once, it's a miracle, come with us to the hospital at once something amazing has happened." Faith looked at the samurai confused, "What do you mean?" The samurai took Faith's right hand, "No time to explain, come with us it's important."
   Faith grabbed her stuff and followed the samurai to a taxi outside the airport. She put her stuff in the trunk and hopped into the taxi, then they took off to the hospital.

       Once at the hospital, Faith got out of the taxi and followed one of the samurai warriors into the hospital. They took an elevator up to the third floor and then got off to walk down to room 69B, the samurai warrior opened the door letting Faith inside.
     On the hospital bed, laid a young man with black and blonde hair laying down looking rather pale. Faith walked over to the bed and was about to faint when she saw who was laying there. She took out her Diaura shirt and looked at the man on the bed, then the shirt in complete shock. For there on the bed was master Yo-ka, the old samurai master looking more alive then ever.
     Faith couldn't believe it, Yo-ka was in the hospital bed next to her. She placed her right hand on his chest and felt for a pulse, to her surprise she felt the beating of Yo-ka's heart, underneath her hand. She began to cry tears of joy and hugged one of the samurai warriors, "How did this happen, I thought he was dead , I saw his spirit in the garden at the dojo."
     The samurai warrior smiled at Faith, "It was a miracle from our god Faith, he brought Yo-ka back to us." The samurai warriors then left the room, to let Faith and Yo-ka have their time alone. Faith sat down and looked at Yo-ka, who was sleeping next to her. For a while, nothing, then Yo-ka opened his eyes and looked at Faith.
      There was a very strong zing between them that even Faith could feel. It wasn't like her and Kei's connection, but it was a lot  stronger than her and Kei's ever had been. She reached out a hand to place on Yo-ka's right cheek and looked him right in his beautiful hazel eyes. At this moment, Kei walked in looking like his heart split in two. Faith jumped back, looking horrified to see Kei standing in front of her.
     For a moment, Faith thought she was in trouble and that Kei was going to yell at her. Instead he placed Yo-ka's right hand in hers and smiled,  "You two are meant to be Faith, I can see it in your eyes, it might be hard for me to accept,but I can't stop true love." Faith hugged Kei and thanked him for being so understanding, then handed him a bottle of blue potion, "This will break the vampire curse, I know how it feels to be one, I was one myself once and I don't want you to face the same things I did."
     Kei smiled and then opened the bottle to take the potion. He drank it all down in one big gulp and waited to see if anything would happen to him. All of a sudden, a bright yellow light appeared around him. The fangs in his mouth disappeared and his face was back to a normal skin tone. His heart began to beat again also and his nails back to normal size, plus the craving for blood vanished.
    The light then disappeared and Kei was back to being his normal self. He hugged Faith and thanked her for saving his life and his job as a samurai warrior. Kei walked over to Yo-ka, "Master Yo-ka please come back to the dojo and be the samurai master, we really need you."
     Yo-ka smiled, "You did a great job taking my place Kei, but it's time for me to come back to train you all for battle."The samurai cheered as Kei passed down Yo-ka's katana to him,            
"Welcome back master Yo-ka." They all cheered as Yo-ka took his sword back and then kissed Faith on the left cheek, "Well, my love it's time for me to go train the samurai, for now for you can go to my house to sleep, I will be back there later after training to check on you."
      All of them then went their separate ways for the day. The samurai headed towards the dojo with master Yo-ka, as Faith grabbed her things to get in a taxi to go to Yo-ka'a house. She couldn't believe that master Yo-ka was alive again and training the samurai once again. Like her dad would always say, miracles happen and now she believed it, now that master Yo-ka was back once again to train his fellow samurai for battle.

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