"Come in!". She spoke, rubbing her belly. She has been feeling  agitated lately by the smallest things.

The door pushed open and in walked Daniel with a huge grin on his face. He had his hands tucked in his dress pants with a white shirt clinging to his bulging biceps. He looked handsome as ever however his demeanor pissed her off.

Cheyenne rolled her eyes and immediately her mood became worse upon laying eyes on him.

"And what the fuck do you want?" She asked him, getting annoyed by his pearly white teeth and the dimples displayed on the sides of his mouth. His intoxicating cologne filled the room making her feel nauseated

"Happy Valentine's. I see you received my flowers". He stated making her instant feel bad for snapping at Donovan however this man's confession just made her madder

"Fuck no!". Cheyenne spewed out, "Take your ugly ass flowers and get out!". She pointed towards the door. Daniel's smile didn't falter from his lips. He only smiled as he openly stared at Cheyenne's face.

"You don't like them?", He pointed towards them with his head tilted to the side, "Usually all the girls I get flowers for, like them. I guess you are different. I like different".

"Boy I don't care about none of that shit. I just need you to leave and with your flowers". She stated, looking at him dead in the eyes.

"You know you like me, why do you keep fighting this?". He asked, his mood instantly changing acting as if he was hurt by her.

"I do not like you", She scoffed, "now please get out my office before I scream!". She threatened.

"And take your flowers with you!'. She sternly told him. They both eyed each other. Daniel to see if Cheyenne would falter but her gaze was strong.

He heavily sighed, grabbed the flowers and finally walked out the office with his head hanging low in rejection.

When he was out, Cheyenne's muscles finally relaxed and basking in the quietness when suddenly a sharp pain hit her by the side of her abdomen.

She tightly gripped the edge of her table as she counted to ten in her head and took deep breathes. That seem to work. She decided to  take a stand when the pain took over the same side once again.

She thought the pain would stop however it intensified causing a little scream to escape her lips and tears to gather in her eyes. She plopped back down in her chair. It was extremely excruciating and she has never felt that kind of pain before.

"Fuck!". She groaned as tears unexpectedly spilled out her eyes. She grabbed her phone and dialed Donovan's number

He answered immediately being he was right by his phone.

"What is it now?". He blew out with an attitude. He was a little blown back by the situation that happened earlier.

"I-i think something is wrong with the baby". She stuttered trying to catch her breathe.

"What? Where are you? Who is there with you?". He hurriedly asked, throwing on random clothes.

"In my office. I am all alone". She wheezed.

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