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It hadn't been his intention.

Like many others he had fallen under and there was no way out.

His legs burned and his feet throbbed each time they hit the ground in a hard stomp. His heartbeat was all he could hear over the wind that hit his face as he ran through the forest.

He didn't dare look behind him. He knew what would happen if he did. He kept his eyes forward and squinted through the darkness, something he had gotten used to for years.

The cracking of tree branches sounded behind him. He heard the flap of a pair of large wings. He could still remember the sight of them towering over him as the creature's beady, black eyes stared into his own.

"Run!" Is what his savior shouted to him just minutes before a blood-curdling scream filled the maddening silence that surrounded... wherever he was.

At first it had been the village square. He blinked and then it became his bedroom. Now it was the forest. No matter where he turned or where he ran, he was met with dead ends.

The flap of the wings got closer, and he begged his legs to go faster. One blink was all it took. One moment he was running through a thick forest, hoping for a saving grace. A blink later, he had run through a clearing in the trees and found himself at the edge of a cliff. It was too late to turn back.

His legs gave out in defeat, and he fell to the ground. A slow growl sounded behind him and he turned to see the same black eyes staring back at him. The creature inched forward and he crawled closer to the edge.

"It's just a dream. It's just a dream." He shut his eyes and hoped he would teleport somewhere safer.

The creature's claws latched onto his leg before flying up over the cliff.

"Please, no please, dear God save me!" He shouted as tears began to stream out of his eyes. "I don't want to die, please somebody help me!"

The creature's jagged teeth pulled back into a smile as it let go. He screamed and his voice filled the silence. The wind blew past him and his voice grew hoarse. He fell closer and closer to the ground until,


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