One Evil Grandpa, Two Evil Grandpas... Wait, That's All (Harry's Perspective)

Start from the beginning

Having presented McGonagall with the information we had found, we stood panting before her, bent over slightly as she peered at us nervously over the rim of her glasses. We managed to catch our breath and straighten up. We all looked at McGonagall and she stared back. The silence was deafening. Finally, she opened her mouth, but then she snapped it closed and walked out the door.

We glanced at each other bewilderedly. Then McGonagall walked back in.

"Wha-" I began to ask, but she silenced me with a look. I knew better than to cross McGonagall when she was like this. However, I didn't know what "like this" meant; was she scared? Angry? Disappointed in herself? I could only wait, though I didn't know what I was waiting for. We stood quietly looking at each other. Waiting. Waiting. We should be doing something!

Just then, Jackson strolled in leisurely, hands in his pockets. The rest of the 'exchange students' were right behind him.

"You wanted us?" Levesque asked.

"That's the git!" I whipped out my wand and pointed it at Jackson in defense. I could see Hermione and Ron doing the same behind me. When I had pulled out my wand, Jackson had pulled out a pen in surprise, and the Death Eaters behind him suddenly got into various stances. But when all I did was point it at him, his immediate alertness disappeared, as did his friends'. The usual aloof expression masked whatever Jackson was really feeling inside. Most likely worry.

"Why are you pointing the wand at me?" He asked, twirling the pen between his fingers.

"You're a Death Eater!" I half-yelled. Jackson and his friends snickered a bit. I thought he was going to say something like, Well, you caught me. Better destroy you now! Instead, he commented,

"I thought we cleared this up already." He held out his arm and pulled back the sleeve. There it was again. A mysterious SPQR tattoo, with some lines and a trident. No Dark Mark. I glanced back at McGonagall, who didn't look worried at all; just a tad disappointed. I supposed she didn't really understand the situation. 

Hermione tilted her wand forward so that it pointed at the mark, but Jackson yanked his arm back with lightning speed.

"See? He's a Death Eater! He's just covering it up!" I jabbed my wand a little more forward accusatorily. "He won't let us see if it's a mirage!" That was clear proof, alright. But mysteriously, Jackson relaxed.

"Oh, that's what you want to do?" He held out his arm again. "Sure. Spell away!" Then he frowned. "As in magic. Not spelling bees." He shuddered dramatically. "Those are horrible." Chase, next to him, elbowed Jackson in the ribs; it looked like it hurt, but he showed no signs of pain.

Hermione rolled her eyes and waved her wand above Jackson's mark. She looked up at me.

"It's real." She informed me. I rolled my eyes.

"Well then, he's not an official Death Eater, but he's still Voldemort's grandson!" I reasoned. Giggling erupted from all the 'exchange students' at the name Voldemort, but abruptly shut off as quickly as it began.

"Grandson?" Percy asked, looking worried. He and his friends all exchanged frightened glances.

"Don't act like you didn't already know-" I began, but Chase threw her hands up and interrupted me.

"It makes sense!" She started pacing back and forth. "So much sense! I can't believe we didn't think of it! We determine the voice is Tom Riddle but then we fail to realize that the person he's calling his grandson is actually his grandson?" She looked furious, and so did the rest of her friends; but the anger was mixed with a tinge of fear. Except for Di Angelo; he snorted. Maybe it was funny to him, for a wicked, twisted reason.

"You even know his real name," I didn't miss what she had said, "you're clearly in league with him. Drop the act." I spat. They all looked at each other, shock written all over their faces, and I knew they would admit it now. But instead-

"In league! IN LEAGUE!" Thalia I-Don't-Use-My-Last-Name bent over clutching her stomach, laughing uncontrollably. The rest of her friends followed suit, like it was the funniest thing in the world. We waited until their laughter was over. I'd admit that doubt was starting to weed through my brain, but I pushed it back. There was evidence. Clear evidence.

As the final giggles abated, McGonagall motioned for them to sit down, which, after a moment, they obeyed. I was seething.

"They're-" I tried to interfere, but McGonagall shot me a glare so murderous that if looks could kill, I would be a pile of ash around Valdez's feet by now.


"Percy." Jackson interrupted. McGonagall hesitated for a second, then continued.

"Percy," She addressed him and Jackson nodded, "were you aware of this?"

"Well, no, but I had suspicions." He answered.

"He-" I began to get up, but another look from McGonagall shut me up again. I huffed loudly and fell back down. I made a point to push the chair back while heavily weighing it down so that it screeched against the floor obnoxiously. Thalia rolled her eyes and muttered something about spoiled drama kings. It took all my willpower to stay quiet.

"Biscuit?" McGonagall pushed forward a plate of treats.

"Biscuit?" Jackson echoed like a parrot, looking around and then at the plate.

"She means the cookies, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth whispered loudly in his ear. Jackson's mouth formed an 'o' of surprise. He then grabbed a biscuit and chomped down. For a while, the only sound in the room was his oblivious chewing.

"Percy," McGonagall looked at Jackson meaningfully, and continued to exchange glances with the rest of the 'exchange students,' "It's time they know."

Silence prevailed as we all fell speechless. After a few moments, it was Ron who chose to shatter the quiet.

"What do we need to know?" He asked accusatorily.

"What have you been keeping from us?" I rose with him, enraged. All the 'exchange students' ignored us. Then-

"No." Annabeth stood and planted her hands on McGonagall's desk in a this-is-final manner. Thalia and Reyna rose after a moment, shaking their heads. The rest of their friends, one by one, stood up to back up Chase. Then they all looked at Jackson as if they were expecting something.

"What? You got it covered." Jackson devoured the last of the 'cookie' and waited. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Chase let out an exasperated sigh. She turned on her heel and walked out of the room, the rest of her friends with her.

"Hey, wait up!" Jackson jumped up and jogged after them. Suddenly, Levesque, Zhang, McLean, and Jackson, the last of the group in the room, found themselves face-to-face with a livid Hermione Granger.

"You are going to tell us right now-"

"No means no," Jackson informed her rudely. Ron and I walked over to back up Hermione.

"You-" I began, but Piper interrupted.

"No. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. Forget everything about Percy's family tree. Stop following us. Stop researching us. And forget everything that was said about a 'secret' in this room." McLean ordered. The words were heavily layered with a sweet quality. Why were we here? How did we get here?

With a final scathing glance at McGonagall, McLean and her companions saunter out.

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