The forest consumed the magicules too quickly and no stronger monsters could be created because of that. So there were no stronger monsters on the bottom floors, other than my Honkai Beasts.

"I could always spawn more..." I mumbled in thought

"Hold that thought! I don't want to deal with an Emperor-class Beast down there! Your spawned Beasts are headaches enough! They may be obedient but they might get too strong since they continue to soak in magicules! If Iris wasn't there, containing them would be harder." Mobius complains while Iris nods in agreement

"Ah... Okay... Then any other suggestions?" I asked them

"I want to rebuild the Elemental Golem. That's why I'm hoping you can help prepare some materials for me." Ramiris said

"For now, I just need suitable lord candidates." I explained to her

"If that's the case, then there are some suitable candidates." Shuna voices out

"Rimuru-sama, how about we hand the work to those people?" Treyni joins in

Ranga pops out of my shadow, "My master, there are indeed some good candidates."

Shuna was the first to suggest one. The Wight, Adalman, was suitable to be one and Gabiru approves of it.

"That is true. Adalman and his subordinates are much too weak to the light and have to hole themselves in the Sealed Cave all the time. I think the labyrinth is the perfect place for them to stay in. Plus, don't forget that he was Keith's reliable subordinate as well before all this." Aponia explained to me

"Besides, that guy practically treats Rimuru-sama as God, which is pretty intolerable but understandable at the same time..." Shuna comments behind her sleeve, rather annoyed

I nodded at their explanations, "Okay then. Let's have Adalman become the Floor 60 boss. I'll also prepare the materials for Ramiris's Elemental Golem and ask Adalman to help out as well."

"Is that okay?" Ramiris asks

"I think it is okay. I heard Adalman is very knowledgeable so he should be able to help out, maybe he can help with research purposes too."

"I understand, thanks a lot, Rimuru!"

That solves the Floor bosses for 60 and 70. Now it was Treyni's turn to speak.

"There is less vegetation on Floors 71 to 80, so Zegion and Apito can guard that location. They are also able to summon their vassals so their exploration would be easier. Moreover, we can get Zegion to fill in the role of the floor boss for Floor 80. He protected the Treants before and did a great job at it." She explains to me

"Rimuru, that sounds perfect! Let me train that guy to become worthy of the title as the boss of Floor 80! He can become as strong as Bella! She's already amazingly strong with my training so once my training with him- Oh crap!" Veldora hurriedly shuts his mouth but it was too late

What did he just say...?!

"Veldora..." I gaped at him

He twiddled his thumbs before taking a nervous glance at me, "Uh... Uh... Yeah?"

"What did you do with my Bella?!" I gasped out, "Training?! She just hatched and you did what?!"

"Ah... The secret's busted..." Mobius muttered under her breath

"Mobius! You knew?!" I exclaimed as she shook her head

She then gave me a shrug, "Not until I saw her myself, at least. But she's living up to the Judgment-class title, even as a newly born Beast. Give her probably another year or so, and she will be as strong as a Rank S from my rough estimation."

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