📚 Chapter 4 📚

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Yoongi POV

The brutal ringing of Yejuns alarm clock tears me away from the dream I was having. I hit the alarm clock, thankfully immediately turning off. In my dream I was in a blooming garden watching the sunset with a smaller person beside me, sitting on a bench. The memory gets blurry quickley. I faintly remember soft blonde waves glowing in the sunlight, birds chirping in the background.

Why am I even waking up from this torturous ringtone? The roughness shocks my brain into being awake immediately, used to the soft sound of "Promise" that usually wakes me. Thankfully the blurriness of my eyes passes and my gaze lands on the clock.

7.31 am


I'm way too late. "Ji I'm gonna be late!" I try to shake her awake before slipping out of bed.  She gives a disgruntled yawn, clearly still half asleep. This woman is useless in the mornings. I put on a sweater , some dress pants and top it off with a patterned flannel shirt. I grab my bag on my way to into the kitchen, collecting papers I need from the counter island. With half folded papers, jacket thrown over one arm and bag slung over the other, I take the car, managing to almost make it on time.

A few minutes later I realize why my alarm didn't wake me up. I forgot to charge the phone over night and because I  was distracted I left it at home too. Can this day get any worse? Yes. Yes it can.

Today I have one lesson break after lunch so I drive home to eat some lunch we cooked beforehand. I drive back, excited to enjoy the comfort of my own 4 walls for this short break from social responsibility. Keys ready in my hand, jacket already on I'm ready to head out as someone taps me on the shoulder from behind. I turn around, trying to keep my face from showing my annoyance. It's one of my colleagues. A woman in, I estimate her late 50's who's name I haven't remembered yet. What does she want from me?

"It's Mister Min, right?" She asks, sipping on her cup of coffee casually, seemingly totally unaware of my situation. "Yeah that's me." I smile a fake smile adding "It was nice talking to you but I really gotta go now." I point at the door, almost ready to sprint at this point. "Wait, young one." She destroys my plan again. And Young one.. really? Am I five? Suddenly the elderly woman looks at me sheepishly, fumbling nervously with her fingers. It directs my gaze there, noticing no ring there. Surely not..... "Are you single?" She can't look at me, eyes directed at the ground.


The shock must be written all over my face for a second because the next second she laughs, slapping my arm softly. "You're too funny" she wheezes. And you're crazy. I stand there helplessly still mortified of the thought of being with this woman. My brain is creating too many pictures.

"I have a daughter your age." She's still laughing as she brings fourth the next sentence, making me relax quite a bit. Thank god.  A simple "Oh" leaves my mouth, creating even more breathless laughs. Remembering her question I add on "Also I'm taken." Finally she stands complelty upright again, laughter died down. I am painfully aware of the many teachers eyes on us upon her laughing outburst. Already creating a great reputation, way to go Yoongi. "What a shame." She sighs "You'd totally be her type."

Totally at a loss for what to answer to that and reminded of my plan of eating with my actual girlfriend, I bow. "I gotta go now" I state ready to finally run off, stomach grumbling. But as my gaze drafts to the clock I realize I'm not gonna be able to make it in time. No home cooked meal for me today. Just a shitty wending machine sandwich that I pick the pickles from while feeling very watched in the teachers lounge. I already love this job. Remember me again why I chose this over music production. Oh right because my parents needed me to have a 'stable job' that 'they can be proud of' and that can 'safely support me financially'.

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