I love you

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The day is extremely beautiful today.

The casual sun rays are feeling like a blessing.

Wind is extra sweet coming through half opened window.

Chirping of birds is feeling like love song.

And the one who made me feel like this is sleeping in my arms peacefully.

The one who made me think differently
After I saw him for the very first time.

The one who can make me do anything
For him without thinking twice.

The one who can make me kill or be killed by his one word.

Who would have thought that "A little
Cute, clumsy, stubborn boy can change
My stone heart and fill it with love.

My world is complete now,
I don't believe in life or death anymore.
I don't know about hell or heaven but the only thing I'm proudly sure is that...

I only belongs to him and he belongs to me.
He is my home now, I don't wanna get away from him ever.

My new beginning and end is gonna be him and only him.

My little rainy is still sleeping in peace with his little snoring which is  honeysweet to my ears.He didn't Woke up since last night from the wild play.

His hands are clenched into fists, resting
On my bare chest.His head is snuggled in
My neck, nose touching my Adam's apple
And lips to my collar bone, his slow breathing is touching my neck and giving
Shivers to my whole body.

He looks soo angelic and beautiful while
Sleeping like baby. How can I ever get enough of this.I don't wanna go on work or do anything, I just wanna stay like this forever with my love in my arms.

I'm gonna confess him today that how much I love him and how much it's only
Gonna grow more and more and more day by day.

"Ummmmmm" i can't help but giggle on my kitten's groan.He sniffed my neck with long inhale giving me butterflies.

"Good morning bunny" I started rubbing his back gently in circles.


"Just hmm..."


"Is my baby angry with phii"

"nahh.." he finally said in his little whispery voice almost non audible.

"Then why isn't my kitty talking"I asked teasing, offcourse i know why he is doing
Like this, he must be still tired from last night.

"hurting" he said again in his little voice again
Face still buried in my neck. I'm feeling bad and happy at the same time.

Bad that my boy is in pain and happy that I'm the one who did it.

"Sorry bunny..but can u get up"


"We have to get you clean baby"

"I don't want to move it's paining so much"

I don't wanna hurt him more I want him to rest more but I have to clean him and check if the blood is still there.

"Baby phii will carry you we will take bath and then u can rest as much u want ok"

He nodded and I carried him carefully like a baby not changing his position much.He wrapped his arms around my neck and limbs around waist, head still resting on shoulder, I put my hands around his butt to support him.

We went to bathroom and I set the water temperature, so that my boy can relax.

"Baby I'm gonna put you in tub now" he nodded, still half asleep so i carefully placed him in tub, used lamon and sandalwood essence to make him feel relief and fresh.

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