{Extra} Baby daddy

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Note: I planned it to be cute and funny, but these two are just out of control 🤦.

It's not my fault 😅

5 months later

I coo at my cute tiny baby amaris in my arms sleeping but still nursing on my nipples.

I smile and wipe the long trail of milk running down his cute little mouth.

My baby is milk drunk but still don't want to leave his mumma or maybe because he wants to tease his papa.

I watch my other two babies sleeping next to me, their little round tummy full of milk rising up and down with every steady breath.

My grin widen, as i heard the footsteps rushing up the stairs like a storm.

I can't wait to see his face seeing that his little devils already suck their mumma dry and didn't leave anything for him.




"Babyyyyy!!!! My dessert" My hubby squeals, opening the bedroom door with wide hungry grin only to be turn into pout.

"Heyy!! Mumu!" I greet doing my best to keep my expressions normal.

I am controlling so hard not to burst into laughter at my mumu's horrified face.

His lips plucker out in a sad pout with nose crunching cutely, eyes narrow as a sulking little toddler.

"It's not fair it's my turn!" He whisper, locking the door behind as he come towards me.

I tilt my head for my kiss as my hubby sits next to me, holding my chin with his fingers and kissing me loud and wet.

It's his way of telling me that he is sulking. Hehehe! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

"Sorry! Mumu they were hungry" I say with a teasing smile.

"But they already had it just before dinner, it was my turn"

"Don't worry I am sure your little babies left something for little taste" I grin as we look down at baby amaris who is smiling like he is aware of our conversation.

"Look this little devil is teasing me. Ohh! but they are asleep let me put them on their crib"

"Mumu! Baby is still feeding see his little mouth is still moving" I try to point out, but my impatient hubby is already picking up my other little Boys to take them to their crib in the joint room.

"It's time for this little gremlin" Phii, says after rushing back to me with the speed of lightning.

He picks up the baby after I wipe the milk from his little nose and cheeks. Even after feeding this long he still don't want to leave his mumma.

I walk behind phii to give my babies good night kiss. No matter how sulky their papa becomes for stealing my milk and time.

He still loves them senselessly. We both kiss them and come to our room again.

But before i can even pass the door, phii carry me and put me in the middle of the bed.

"Aahh~ Hubby" I moan, as he slid my t-shirt up and capture my sensitive nipple in his warm mouth.

"You know how much i waited for this baby!" I hear phii's heavy inhale as he lick a long stride on my chest.

"See! Your boys didn't left me anything" I burst into laughter when I see mumu's face pouting with puppy eyes, as he look up from my nipple when nothing comes out from it.

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