Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sam's POV

My life sucks. Not the average "my boyfriend broke up with me wah wah wah" (ugh those girls). No, this is the "I like indie rock, I like rock n' roll t-shirts, and I just don't really give a fuck so everyone makes fun of me" suckage. I don't really care, but it'd be nice to have a guy to cuddle up to and an actual friend to discuss Vampire Weekend with, not lip-gloss and mani-petti's.

I used to have a friend. Her name was Hannna. She was the best friend I've ever had, I mean she was just like me. I get that sounds selfish, but I need someone like me to understand me. Hanna dressed kind of "pretty pink hipster" that was okay though, she still loved all my music and didn't have a care either. We were best friends, inseparable. Until sophomore year, she moved away. Back to loner ville for Sam.

I do alright in classes ... I had a 4.0 in 6th grade, I think my mom was actually proud of me. Well that was 6th grade and I'm a Junior. Things have changed. Most average moms would be all "Oh sweetie its just a phase ... you'll outgrow it" but no. My mom has realized that I'm just the way I am and its gonna be that way.

Someday I think maybe I'll find someone like me, even better, a guy like me. Then I mentally smack myself for even thinking that way. Anyways I'm moving away ... mom decided to date someone else on e-harmony (not the first time). So now on top of being a loser, I get to start humiliation all over again. New preps, new geeks, new jocks, and no one like me.


Author's note:

Hey (: I know the first chapter is like really short, but I will make the next one longer. I'd really like to have some feedback if anyone is actually reading this! Tell me if its an okay chapter and if you want more to read. Its my first time writing something like this, so sorry if there's a ton of mistakes! (:

The Unexpectedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें