that's all she's ever wanted

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Yeji has actually prepared lots of things today. It's not everyday that you celebrate occasions and spoil your partner like Valentine's Day. So, she took this opportunity while her the other was at work. Her love has been whining why she was able to take a day off from work today while she can't when they are just working in the same firm. She just reasoned out that she was the favorite which caused the other to roll her eyes. Yeji then laughed at the reaction before kissing and hugging her as she let the other go to the firm before she's marked as late.

Now at home, she was waiting for the branded gifts she has prepared to arrive and while waiting, she started cooking some of the short haired's favorite dishes for dinner. As she was cooking for the last dish, the doorbell rang. She went to the screen to check who it was and it was just the delivery man.

Going to the door, she opened it to receive the remaining gifts.

"Are you Ms. Hwang Yeji?" the delivery man asked. "Yes, I am", she responded.

"Kindly please sign here on the bottom of the paper."

After signing, she returned the paper and pen and thanked the man as well. Picking up the gifts one by one, she hurried in bringing it to the living room since the last dish was still boiling. Once everything was inside, she closed the door and went back to the kitchen.

Tasting the last dish, it was already cooked and ready, so she turned off the stove and plated the dish properly. Once all the dishes were settled, she checked the time and read that it was already 4 pm. She still has an hour to prepare and get ready so she went to their room and fixed the gifts in the center of the bed which she decorated with rose petals.

Finding an outfit in their closet, she opted for this prince-like outfit she bought for today. It was white and gold which she paired with black boots. She internally laughed because she thinks it's silly but anything to make her Ryujin happy and laugh as well since she knows how much the other dreads her work even more now. After putting on her outfit, she put on light makeup and fixed her hair as well.

After that, she went back to the living room and double checked if everything is set. Once she checked, she sat down on their couch with the bouquet of flowers in her hands. Checking the time again, she knew Ryujin would already arrive in a few minutes. While waiting, she scrolled on her phone to check for updates from their friends. She saw their posts and liked it. Minutes later, she heard the sound of a car parking in the garage so she stood up and went to their bedroom for the surprise.

She heard the front door opened and closed while Ryujin was looking for her, "Yeji?"

"Where you Yeddeong?" She heard once more.

She then heard footsteps climbing up the stairs, heading to their shared bedroom.

Ryujin opened the door, "Babe, are you he- OH"

Yeji stood up and walked to Ryujin, "Hi love, welcome home."

"Here for you, Happy Valentines Day" She added as she handed the bouquet.

"Thank you, Happy Valentines as well my love. But why are you wearing something like that?" Ryujin said as she accepted the bouquet and chuckled at the other.

"Why, can't I? I just found it cute so I bought it?"

"Well you do look beautifully handsome in it", Ryujin complimented.

She found the other's cheeks reddening a bit. After all this time, she finds it cute whenever her love still gets shy when complimented.

"Thank you, now come on in. I have lots prepared for you"

Yeji guided Ryujin inside towards their bed. Ryujin was a bit stunned because she thought that Yeji didn't want to celebrate Valentines, considering that she was acting nonchalantly like today was nothing and that she just enjoyed her day off.

"Babe, I thought you didn't want to celebrate it today?" Ryujin asked.

"What? You really I think wouldn't spoil you? I just acted like that because I wanted to surprise you."

"Well next time don't tease me like that. I thought how you were having fun by teasing and flaunting that you didn't have to go to work today" Ryujin pouted.

Yeji put both of her arms around the other and kissed the pout. "Okay next time I promise I won't do something like that"

"Now cmon the food's already getting colder. I prepared and cooked some of your favorite dishes today"

Ryujin placed the bouquet in the table before reaching her hand for Yeji. Together, they walked down to the dining room to eat dinner.

Seeing all the foods served for her, Ryujin felt her heart swell. Sure, food is a way to one's heart but Yeji spoiled her again so much today.

She turned to Yeji, "You spoil me too much and this isn't even everything, you just always do even if there's no occasion. I feel like I don't do much in return for you"

"You always deserve to be spoiled princess and don't ever think that you don't do much, your presence alone is enough for me", Yeji replied.

Ryujin hugged the other tightly, "I love you"

"I love you too" Yeji responded.

Once they're settled down to the chairs, they finally dig in to their foods and chatted about their days and various topics. After eating, they placed their dishes on the sink. Ryujin volunteered to do the dishes saying, "No buts, at least let me do this. Just rest on the couch and wait for me"

And so, Yeji obeyed. She did not sit on their couch but walked quietly back to their bedroom. She hurriedly placed some fairy lights she prepared and lighted it up. Then, she went back to the couch and minutes later, she felt the couch dip which indicated the presence of the other. She put an arm around her waist and let the other rest on her.

"Did you like today?"

"Of course I did and I love it. I always do for everything that you do for me"

"I'm glad, now I have one last surprise for you. Let's go back to the bedroom"

They both went to their shared bedroom with Yeji letting the other enter first.

"Oh babe, this is beautiful. Thank you" Ryujin said as she admired their room. It's even more romantic with the lights and the petals plus gifts on the bed.

Yeji closed the door and walked towards Ryujin. She hugged the other from the back, "You're welcome, anything for you"

"Now, do you want to try on the clothes I bought for you? I'm sure you'll look good on them" Yeji suggested with a tone she knew so well.

Ryujin turned around in the other's embrace and put her hands on Yeji's neck. "Not now love, it's my turn. Let me show you my appreciation. Let me show you how much I love you", then she kissed her softly.

And so, she did. They first cleaned up the petals and placed all the gifts on the floor. After that, they spent the remaining time of the night appreciating and loving each other.

Hours after, they were both spent and now, Ryujin was looking at Yeji sleeping while thinking of how content and full she is with the events that occurred and with Yeji's presence. That's all she ever wants, beside her body, between her arms and inside her heart.


post valentines update, was only able to post it now because i've been busy with my exams before

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