you knock me off my broomstick

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A Hogwarts oneshot

credits: gothallanpoe & orig author


It all starts when the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Quidditch match in Ryujin's sixth year descends from the usual house rivalry into a full-on brawl in the space of about thirty seconds.

Okay, so Ryujin realises that might be a little bit of a lie, as it probably actually starts on September the first, five years and two months before what is to become an infamous game of Quidditch.

It starts when Ryujin, eleven years old and sitting alone in a carriage on a steam engine bound to take her far away from her home to a school dedicated to teaching a discipline she hadn't even realised existed until a few weeks prior, is interrupted in her solitude by the arrival of three other girls.

"...and I swear that if my mum hadn't promised to buy him a new broom in Diagon Alley the next day, he probably would have hexed me to Azkaban and back in retaliation."

Ryujin catches the end of a story that one of the girls, a a small round faced redhead, is telling the other two as the compartment door slides open.

"Your brother is such an idiot," one of the others interjects.

"Не brings it upon himself," agrees the first girl with a nod. "If he wasn't so easy to wind up then..."

She stops in her tracks when she spots Lisa huddled in the corner of the carriage, causing one of the others to collide right into her back.

"Watch where you're going, Karina!" bickers the other girl, a brunette, before she too notices Ryujin's presence. "Oh sorry, I thought this compartment was empty."

Ryujin opens her mouth to say something but the sheer intimidation factor of the three girls, standing in formation with their arms folded across their chests like the album cover for one of the girl bands that Ryujin used to be obsessed with a couple of years ago, causes a lump to form in her throat.

"It's okay," she manages to choke out.

"Can we sit here or are you waiting for friends?"

Ryujin doesn't have the heart to tell them that she doesn't actually have any friends here yet, and merely gestures that it's okay for them to sit down.

"Anyway," continues the first girl, Chaeryeong, as the three of them settle down into the seats beside the window. "I'm half hoping that I get put into Ravenclaw with Yeonjun just so that I can sneak into his dormitory when he's at Quidditch practice and hide frogspawn in his pillow."

The three girls snigger amongst themselves, until the brunette raises a finger and points at the compartment door, which slides open for the second time in as many minutes.

"Speak of the devil..."

"So this is where you're all hiding out?"

The newcomer is a tall guy, probably several years Ryujin's senior, a mop of dark unruly hair on his head, his voice deep and a smirk etched upon his face.

"Go away Yeonjun," scowls Karina. "I don't need a babysitter."

"It's my duty as prefect to check up on the firsties," shrugs the boy - Yeonjun. "That includes you."

The other girl who has remained silent thus far, hair swept back into a ponytail, keeps a deadpan expression as she asks, "Wait, Yeonjun, are you a prefect?"

It's obviously some kind of in-joke between the three girls and Yeonjun because they all giggle together and he rests one of his hands on his hip as he rolls his eyes at them.

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