Sweet Love

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converted; credits to taeminsjawline on aff

warning: this oneshot contains mature content so if you are not comfortable, feel free to skip


Yeji took a sip of coffee as she reread the email she was typing for the third time. She shook her head a little and took a deep breath before going back to editing her email.

It was a Saturday morning and she was sitting at the dining room table, catching up on some work that she had allowed to lag behind because she was so busy with establishing her design studio. Yeji despised the idea of working on a weekend but she had no choice if she wanted to make her business a success.

She had been networking a lot recently and she was on the brink of securing a few new clients who were interested in showcasing her designs at various local and small-scale shows. It was nothing major but like Ryujin kept telling her, you have to start somewhere and every step is still a step forward.

Yeji looked up at their bedroom door when she thought of Ryujin. Her cute doctor had come off the night shift at 5 am that morning and she had been knocked out ever since. Yeji figured she'd catch up on some work and maybe take Ryujin out to lunch since it had been a while since Ryujin had a Saturday off.

There was contentment in her heart when she thought of Ryujin. Yeji was truly happy and even though they were in their fifth year together, the butterflies in her tummy still fluttered whenever they kiss. They had been living together in their apartment for a year and Yeji could not remember a happier time in her life.

Yeji adjusted her spectacles on the bridge of her nose and tried to refocus her mind on her work. She mentally decided to push on for another hour and then inspect her young doctor to see how sleepy she was and if she was in the mood to go out.

As she was typing, her phone buzzed out next to her laptop on the dining room table. The text made her snort with laughter

Ryujin: Please come back to bed :(

Yeji began to type her reply before another text came in.

Ryujin: We're not going back to sleep when you get here...just so you know...

Yeji couldn't believe Ryujin had the nerve to text from the next room. She typed her reply with a huge grin on her face at the craziness of her girlfriend.

Yeji: You can't even seduce me properly? Pathetic :P

Ryujin's reply was instant.

Ryujin: I know you clenched as soon as you read my offer ;)

Yeji let out a loud laugh and shook her head at her girlfriend's antics.

Yeji: You're disgusting (*_*) and even if that might be true...I'm working Ryu...

Ryujin: I know...I could hear you typing. Now close your laptop and make sure you're wearing those sexy spectacles...sextacles? when you get here :D

Yeji laughed again and sighed as she glanced from her laptop to the bedroom door. She contemplated making Ryujin wait a bit longer until she completed what she was doing but she bit her lip and realized that she couldn't resist Ryujin, regardless of how snarky and smug she was being. Yeji admitted defeat and closed her laptop before making her way to their bedroom door.

Yeji opened the bedroom door to find Ryujin curled up in bed, peeking at her from the covers while wearing the dumbest Cheshire cat grin she had ever seen. She rolled her eyes and smiled, making her way towards Ryujin and standing up at the foot of the bed.

"You're the worst," Yeji said with a smirk as she readjusted her glasses and placed her knee at the edge of the bed. "You're here though," Ryujin sighed with a smug, chin-dimpled grin as she rolled onto her back and clasped her hands behind her head.

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