I hummed, he frowned and asked,

"What about pills?"

"I finished them last week and Jimin won't give me more until next week"

Jimin is my psychiatrist and a very good friend, he knows everything about my past and present too. He cares for me as a friend and also I see him every other day for my therapy, but I couldn't this week because of back-to-back meetings and Eunwoo's health. I'm sure he is going to call me today to scold me but I don't wanna go there because it all seems useless to me.

Jungkook sighed and told me,

"He called me in the morning asking for you"

I look at him amusingly and asked,

"Was he mad at me?"

"He was indeed and asked me to tell you that he is going to visit you today."

I sighed while messaging my head and mumbled inaudible curses. Jungkook chuckled and spoke,

"I dropped Yuri at school and will bring her back too"

I smiled looking at him and spoke,

"Thank you so much, Kook"

He smiled and spoke,

"Mention not"

"Ah, Sara dropped some documents earlier"

I nodded and closed my eyes, he turn off the music and drove silently.

Soon we reached my apartment, Jungkook drove into the parking lot and spoke,

"I think Grandma is here"

I look outside and saw a black car similar to Grandma's and asked,

"Did you tell her?"

He shook his head in denial, I sighed and mumbled,

"Let's go"

Jungkook nodded and get into the backseat to get Eunwoo in his arms, I grabbed his stuff from the trunk. Eunwoo smiled brightly and spoke,

"Home sweet home"

We both chuckled and entered the elevator, I pressed my floor number and stood beside Jungkook. Eunwoo wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, Kook patted his back and spoke,

"You can sleep" 

Eunwoo smiled sleepily and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Soon the elevator dinged representing my floor number, I walked out and saw Jimin standing there, I smiled nervously and spoke,

"Oh you are here"

He rolled his eyes obviously at me, he scoffed and spoke,

"Yeah I was wondering what is more important than your health that kept you busy for the whole damn week"

I scratched my forehead embarrassed and spoke,

"I'm sorry"

"Yes, you should be"

Jungkook chuckled and spoke,

"Hyung, let her go this time"

Jimin was still glaring at me, I hate to but I showed him puppy eyes, he took a deep breath controlling his anger, and spoke,

"Yeah but only this time"

I smiled nervously and spoke,

"Thank you"

Jimin's eyes traveled to Eunwoo sleeping peacefully in Jungkook's embrace, he sighed and asked,

"How's he doing?"

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