Start from the beginning

Airbank, a government owned bank that has thousands of branches all over the country. High paying job and continuous hiring, this is one of the most stable bank today and this is where I work.

A teller of two years, eleven months and 29 days, I've gotten to know the bank's regular clients and also faced numerous challenges in this line of work. From rude clients to unbalanced accounts, I experienced them all. These years taught me a lot with my profession and receiving compliments from my co-workers really pump me up. It somehow made me forget the recent heartbreak.


Just like every afternoon, the bank was hectic as usual but it somehow ended smoothly. It only took me and Alliyah, a teller, an hour to balance the accounts with the bookkeeper's account.

"A great way to start your comeback, huh?" Alliyah joked as we were getting ready to leave.

"Well, it's the usual haha. When are you gonna get your leave?" I asked, pertaining to her maternity leave since her dues coming up in a few months.

"Well not this month for sure. Gotta work for the baby." she said with a smile as she rubbed her tummy.

I glanced at the wall clock just behind me and saw it was already pass five thirty. The office was unusually quiet and it felt weird since at this time, everyone from the supervisor to the loans officers would gather around the coffee area and chatter away while waiting for us.

"Hey, where the hell is everyone?" I asked as I roamed my eyes only to see two of the five guards standing by the door.

"O-oh, uhm... well..." Alliyah began to stutter which made me curious since she only stutters when she's lying.

"Well...? Well what?" I asked as I leaned towards her face and she immediately turned to look away, she's definitely hiding something.

"Uh-uhm..." her eyes avoided mine as I let out an amused smile, she looks cute while trying to reason her way out.

Seeing her act like this, something's definitely up. And the fact that I know nothing about it, I'm sure this has something to do with me.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~" a familiar voice echoed the room as I saw everyone walk in while the bank supervisor held a cake with him.

"What the?" I mumbled as I smiled while watching them walk towards me.

"Happy birthday our Rain, happy birthday to you!!!" they exclaimed as I laughed at how their voices cracked at the end.

"What the hell is this? It's not even my birthday." I asked since my birthday was a week ago.

"Well, you were on leave so we decided to surprise you when you come back. Surprise?" Alliyah explained as I smiled.

That's right, the night I caught my ex cheating was the very day before my birthday. I ended up drinking my way to my 25th year and having to deal with those two at the police station made me forget all about my birthday.

Still, I'm thankful that I'm lucky with my profession. I never thought that working here would lead me to these warm hearted people who cares for me like family.

"But wait! There's more." Jared, the branch supervisor, suddenly said as he handed the cake to one of the loans officer.

"I am pleased to inform everyone that as of today, Rain is now a senior teller!"

My eyes widened at his words as everyone cheered and applauded.

"And to give your first gift as our new senior teller, we have the new members of our AirBank family!" Jared announced as I tilted my head in confusion.

"New members?" I asked Alliyah as she turned to look at me.

"Yeah, they've been here for a week now. They actually greeted you this morning but you were too busy to even look at them." She informed me as I turned to the new comers.

My eyes landed on the man that held another cake in his hand as he flashed a smile as soon as we made eye-contact. He walked towards my direction without looking away making me stare back.

"Congratulations... sir Rain." the unfamiliar man greeted as I let out a smile.

"Thank you... uhm..." I tried to look for his ID to check his name but it was covered by the cake that he held.

"Phayu, you can call me Phayu." He introduced as I looked back at him.

"Thanks... Phayu." I smiled as my eyes shifted to the new faces that came with him.

"Since we already had a welcome party last week, we'll celebrate your promotion tonight!" Jared exclaimed in high spirits as everyone cheered with him.


The night was long as the whole team celebrated my promotion and also my birthday. Lucky enough, they were able to reserve a slot at my favorite bar and restaurant so the noise didn't matter since we were at a separate reception, a whole room for twenty people. Though a few of the staff weren't able to come, a good fifteen people came along with us including the new employees.

"To our new senior teller!" Dion, an assistant bookkeeper, cheered with a flushed face, seems like everyone's already getting drunk.

"Senior teller! Let me pour you a drink!" Dion added as he reached out a bottle of soju towards me.

I'm really drunk and I planned on stopping but it'd be a shame if I refuse him now. With a smile, I got my glass and he poured it full. I ended up staring at the full glass, thinking if I should really drink it all.

"Eh? What's wrong? You don't like it? Do you need a knight? Hahaha!" Dion joked as if teasing me about my current heartbreak.

"Shut up." I hissed as he laughed harder making the others look our way.

Dion and I have been working together since day one, we literally got hired on the same day. He's cute and all but I don't like how nosy he is when it comes to my personal life. He would ask a lot about me and what I've been up to whenever he had time to spare. Also, not answering him would be a waste since he would annoy the hell out of me until I answer. Like Sky, I also consider him a friend whom I can trust my worries with, including my unlucky encounters with men.

"I'll do it." a voice suddenly came from my right and before I could react, a hand reached out for the filled glass and I watched him drink it in one shot.

My eyes gazed at the unfamiliar man sitting beside me as I tried to remember who he was.

"Oh... oh! Phayu! You're the new guy, right?" I recalled as he let out a smile.

Looking at him up close, he really looks handsome. He also had this friendly vibe with him that would make anyone comfortable with him.

"Phayu! Hey, Rain, you should be nice to him, okay? He's so... nice. He even bought everyone coffee on his first day. I can't believe people like you still exist." Dion stated as he wiped the side of his eye, as if crying for some reason.

"You're still dramatic as ever, huh?" I mumbled and I heard a laugh from the guy beside me.

Come to think of it, everyone seemed to be attracted to this man named Phayu. I could catch glances from the other employees and it's definitely not for me but for the guy who's seated on my right.

How lovely. I miss the feeling of being attracted to new people. However, my heart's unable to bear another love interest just yet. No matter how much I distract myself, I keep remembering the painful memory of being cheated on.

I should really stop for now because any relationship would only cause me more despair. I should focus on my career. That's right, being a senior teller within just a few years is a major achievement for me. Though my relationships always end up trash, my profession only gave me happiness. This is where I should focus now.


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