𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍

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Your special as promised. Sorry it's pretty rushed.

Brightly colored streamers covered the foyer of the Grand Paris Hotel. February 14th in the city of love was a huge deal. The mayor had always increased his hotel services this time of year, especially as it was the most romantic time of year for the city.

All throughout Paris, you could hear the chatter of people discussing various topics of love and Valentine's Day. Marinette and Alya were having a light conversation about the Valentine's Days of their past.

The two could very humorously recall when the blunette was absolutely smitten with their oblivious cinnamon roll. She realized how much she had really grown over the years. The once clumsy, stuttering girl was now still clumsy but a little more confident, and she had years of experience.

Her relationship with Adrien had grown, and slowly, her stuttering around the boy was almost completely erased. She slowly became more confident in her abilities and aware of her own weaknesses. The once-passionate feeling of ostensibly true love had revealed itself to be more platonic than anything else as they spent more time together. Eventually, their bond seemed to strengthen with the understanding that they could be themselves now without the worry of romantic implications. The act that truly solidified their bond, however, was when they revealed their identities.

Two of the closest relationships they had were revealed to be with the same person, and it simplified a great deal of things. Their partnership had kept them motivated and going even when they were at their breaking point. They had been there to see each other at their lowest points, and a few times they even stitched each other's wounds. No one would ever truly be able to define or understand their relationship, not even them.

Alya shoved the girl playfully, pulling her out of her complicated thoughts. They had walked the entire rest of the way to the mayor's hotel in silence without even realizing it. Marinette gave a sheepish smile and continued to walk up the stairwell into the lobby. Chloe had insisted they all meet for a party at her father's hotel. Seeing as there was not much celebration recently as everyone was still adjusting before the partying stage, no one was quite sure what to expect.

The receptionist directed the two to a master suite, where they found several teenagers chatting in various poses around the room. Most of the team had already arrived, but no one really knew if everyone would arrive.

Within the room was a small kitchen filled to the brim with what looked to be baking supplies. Marinette noticed this first because she was familiar with the products. They looked to be the same brand that her family used to make their delicious pastries.

The next thing she noticed was the mass that had huddled in the middle of the floor, laying practically in a heap. Chloe was at the very top alongside Alix; they both laughed with glee, trying to suffocate those below them. The people they were directly on top of seemed to be Kim and Ivan; surprisingly, Adrien was at the very bottom. He was actually laughing, contrary to his recent behavior. At the moment, he appeared to be the most like his alter ego that he had been in a long time.

The atmosphere of the room was very light and happy; everyone seemed to be in a good mood just by being there. Marinette helped Adrien with his pleas. She tickled Chloe, and they all slowly rolled off, allowing her to reach out a hand and pull the boy to his feet. Across the room, Marinette noticed Rose, Juleka, and Nathanael sitting together on the couch. The three seemed to be having a good time conversing in their own little bubble. It was nice seeing the three shyest get along and actually open up to each other; they seemed to slowly be more confident around the group and with their abilities.

Marinette smiled extra hard when she saw Rose and Juleka's hands lightly clasped. Everyone knew that the two were romantically interested in each other, yet they always swore that it wasn't like that. They always seemed so convinced that their coy smiles and random moments of intense passion were purely platonic. With their hands currently embraced and the peck given to Juleka, it seemed they had finally realized.

Marinette smiled, remembering how she and Adrien used to act around each other when they had feelings for each other. She looked up upon hearing Adrien's name called. Luca had just walked in after finishing his guitar practice, from the looks of it. His eyes found Adrien instantly upon entering the room, and he walked quickly to him.

The room's attention was drawn from the two boys as Chloe called for the attention of everyone. She finally explained that they were here to be pampered and bake desserts.

Everyone mostly relied on Marinette to help them with the baking, but she never really minded. Those who actually helped her bake learned some pretty great things from the baker's daughter. They all paid extra attention to her instructions, as she did make some of the best desserts in all of Paris. Adrien was one of the people helping bake alongside Luca.

The two boys were helping to make dough and getting flour all over each other and a few helpers in the process. Most of the people in the kitchen ended up completely covered in flour by the time the preparation stage was finished, and a mountain of dough sat on the counter.

The group had made cookie dough, bread dough, pie crust, and even the beginnings of a two-tier cake. It had taken quite some time, but the early arrival had helped a great deal. Marinette split the helpers into two pairs and taught them each what to do individually.

Alya and Nino were on pie duty, creating a lemon meringue filling the way she had carefully explained. Juleka and Rose were assisting in the creation of pie shapes and the application of crust. Both duos were then in charge of the baking and final decoration of the pie.

On chocolate chip cookie duty were Nathanael and Marc. They wanted the simplest job so they could take plenty of time to talk about their comics.

The cake was then divided between Ivan, Mylene, and Marinette. They created the batter and set it in the ovens. After finishing her part, Marinette helped the others complete their tasks, solving dilemmas. After some speculation, she realized she had pretty much paired everyone off with their crushes subconsciously. She was becoming one heck of a cupid this Valentine's Day, it seemed. All of the duos seemed to be bonding during their teamwork.

Chloe, Alix, Kim, and a few others were scattered along chairs in the room, having a conversation that seemed to be very deep. The three named were receiving messages from the staff that Chloe's father had gifted them for the day. Marinette joined them, letting herself relax for the first time in a while.

She could not help but feel a little lonely, however, seeing as it was indeed Valentine's Day and she did not even have a crush. She, Max, Sabrina, and Chloe were the only four in their class that were not currently in a relationship or head over heels for someone at this moment. If they really thought about it, it did give them something to bond over.

Soon enough, all of the desserts were done baking, and everyone collectively decorated the cake. While it did not look the best, they liked it. The funky mix of all of their staples and color schemes in the cake makes it perfect in their eyes.

Eventually everyone settled down in the room after taking turns cleaning up. They had all taken a shower and changed into comfortable pajamas. The night ended pretty calmly as they all piled together, staying warm and watching funny rom-coms. The first sleep, however, was taken as per the slumber party rules.

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