Chapter 29

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I don't know how long I've been laying here, but when a loud clang rings out, I realize the sun has already gone under. A pool of moonlight shines into the throne room from the balcony, illuminated by a full moon. I bolt upright and peer around the empty room, no sign of Alessander or Balek anywhere.

"I guess today's your lucky day. We found your little friends," Balek thunders as he strides into the room.


Following Balek, a group of at least ten guards leads Fale, Handor, Mira, Bo, and Clary into the throne room with their hands bound.

"Illya!" Clary's concerned voice cries out.

"Be silent!" a stocky guard shouts, giving her a rough push and she stumbles.

"Look who we found sneakin' around the halls," Balek announces as they settle before me. The guard's expressions remain passive and bored as they circle around their captives. "They don't belong here and neither do you. So, you're goin' to tell me why you're here and how you came to have this, " he nods to the sword clutched in his hand, "or we'll kill each of your friends one by one."

I look to Handor who slowly shakes his head, then to Mira whose darkened eyes stare daggers into the back of Balek's head. Bo's lips press into a tight line and Fale stands next to him, eyes trained down while Clary looks haughtily at the stocky guard who pushed her.

I clench my jaw and return my gaze to Balek.

He sighs and points the sword at Bo. "We'll start with that one. Levin, bring him here," he orders the muscular guard holding him. I fight to keep my expression guarded as the guard, Levin, forces Bo to his knees and as Balek moves to stand over him. "I remember you, Kaligras. I never forget the face of a traitor." Ripping the sleeve of Bo's cloak, the dark red stain of the Traitor's Mark flashes on his forearm. "The whole Kaligras line is almost extinct because of you, and soon, it will be. You may be of noble blood, but after the stunt you pulled, no Kaligras is safe as long as I'm king. Now, do you want to die by sword, like your wife did, or by an arrow like your daughter?" he smirks. "Unless you tell me what you're doin' here, that is."

Bo spits at his feet, face turning red with anger.

"I'll take that as a no then." Balek nods to the guard, Levin, and he rams the hilt of his sword into Bo's nose, breaking it.

Still, Bo says nothing as the blood trickles down his chin.

"Last chance to save your friend, girl," Balek says to me.

I keep my mouth clamped shut and pray they're bluffing. Slowly, Levin raises the blade of the sword over Bo, and instantly, I feel foolish for thinking they would hesitate to kill him. "Wait," the words rush out of my mouth.

Levin stops.

"Don't, Illya," Bo demands.

I can't just let him die, not like this. "If I tell you, will you let them go? They're here because of me, so don't punish them." I know I shouldn't trust Balek, but what other choice do I have?

Balek doesn't hesitate. "Fair enough. Let's start with tellin' me who you really are."

I don't look at Bo, or anyone else for that matter.
I just focus on Balek. "I'm–"

A thunderous roar erupts as Bo charges, knocking Levin to the ground easily before wrapping his tied wrists around Balek's neck from behind. Choking, Balek drops the sword and grasps the rope.

"You rotter!" Bo shouts, squeezing harder.
"You're gonna pay for what you did!"

Bo, look out!" Clary shrieks.

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