Chapter 26

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It must have rained recently. The humid air catches in my lungs as I pant to keep up with the rest of the group. Unlike last night, it's hot and muggy, a blanket of fog hovering around us. There's not a star in sight as a thick layer of clouds blocks any light that would've come from the moon, making it difficult to see. Although my body has gotten relatively used to the exercise, I still fall behind the others, gritting my teeth through the pain and extra weight of Auggie on my good shoulder. At least we're going down the mountain this time. Handor said Turin was less than a day away from Valas Miran so, hopefully, we'll be there by dawn if I don't slow us down too much.

When we left, I was glad for the cloak wrapped around me, but now, I would like nothing more than to shed it off. For the last hour, maybe two, we've been descending quite steeply down the mountain, and the temperature only seems to rise with each step along with the humidity. Valas Miran must be nearly at the top of the entire mountain range, which would explain why it's so cold there.

"Let's stop for a quick break." Handor's voice is faint as it travels back to me.

When I catch up they're already sitting down, Bo filling a small flask with water from a nearby stream. Immediately, I let Auggie down and stretch my arm, massaging the muscles near my neck and shoulder. Then, leaning against a trunk, I shrink down and let my eyes rest for a bit, dozing off slightly. It doesn't last long.

"This is the last stop before Kirin territory," Handor states. "Even though it's still dark, remain alert and keep your eyes open."

I stand back up, using the thick trunk as support.

"Aye, we've still got a few hours to go yet, so we should keep movin'. We'll stay hidden better under the cover of night."

"Alright, you heard the man, let's go!" Clary says, too cheerful for the state we're in. She walks over to where Auggie and I stand and pets his head. "Would you like me to carry him for a while?"

"Would you? You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not, we're buddies, Auggie and I!" She picks him up and cradles him in her arms. "Come on!" She motions for me to follow as she starts taking off after the others.

I fall into step beside her, relieved at the lightness of Auggies absence from my shoulder. Hopefully, I can keep up now. "Thank you, Clary. You've been so nice to me. I have no idea why, but thank you," I say sincerely.

Her eyes crinkle as she smiles softly. "I know what it feels like to be judged and treated poorly because of a reputation. So, any amount of kindness I've shown to you, you've shown me just as much. More even."

I shake my head. "Not more. You never have to pay your way with kindness or anything else to be my friend."

Her eyes water slightly as she nods her head. "I know. I've just never experienced that kind of friendship before. I'm so glad to have met you. I hope we'll remain friends for a very long time."

"Me too."

We walk in silence for a few minutes and I listen to the muffled murmurs ahead of us. The voices are deep, so it has to be Bo, Fale, or Handor, but I still can't make out what they're saying.

"What's going on with you and Fale? He always seems tense around you," Clary asks, and I turn to look at her.

"That's exactly what I'd like to know. I need to talk to him, but he's been very distant tonight, and only to me. He had something to say earlier that seemed important, but never had a chance to. Now, he won't even look at me."

"Hmm, that's strange, even for Fale. When we were waiting in Handor's office, he wouldn't talk to anyone, even Mira. I mean, he's usually standoffish, but that was different."

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