Chapter 17

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The last thing I want to do right now is train with Fale, but I also don't want to find out what he'll do if I don't show up.

Why is he so angry anyway? It wasn't like I was that late.

Once I'm through the tunnel, I see Clary on the other side of the arena and give her a small wave.
She waves back but then stops when she sees Fale marching over to me. "Good luck," she mouths with a sympathetic look.

I guess I'm really in for it then.

"That's what you're wearing to train in?"

Looking down at the threadbare sweater I've worn since I left the village, I shrug. "Well, it's not like I have anything else."

Sighing, he walks back toward the tunnel. "Come on."

Once in the armory, he goes over to an older-looking woman standing near a wringer washer while I remain close to the tunnel entrance. Unable to hear what they're saying, I watch as Fale says something to her and points a finger in my direction. Smiling, the woman nods and reaches into a bin, pulling out a pile of dark clothes. Taking them, he plants a hand on her arm and smiles as they chat a while longer. I've never seen him so... nice. Feeling like I'm watching something he wouldn't want me to, I peer down at my boots and stare at the fine lines forming in the creases.


A stiff wad of fabric is shoved into my chest.
Gone is his friendly smile which is now replaced with his usual glower. "Go change in the washroom, and be quick about it. I don't have all day."

Without a word, I take the clothes and stride over to the washroom. I can't argue. I did say I wanted fresh clothes as soon as we got to Valas Miran.
Inside, there are no mirrors, which I usually like to avoid anyway, but I haven't seen my reflection in weeks and am curious to see if I look as thin as I did when we left. Actually, it's probably best I don't. I don't want to see the new freckles that are sure to have appeared on my face.

Slipping the pair of black trousers on, they hang loosely around my waist and thighs, so I take a strip of fabric from my sweater and tie it around my waist to hold them up. The sweater is one of the last reminders I have of home, so I hesitate, but then toss it to the ground. It's not like I'm going to wear it ever again anyway. It's practically in pieces. Holding the shirt the woman gave Fale up in front of me, I'm surprised to see that it has no sleeves, but I pull it over my head anyway.

Most of the Vandari women wear sleeveless attire I've noticed, probably to be more practical in battle, or to show off their tattoos. I don't know, but either way, it makes me uncomfortable for my arms to be so exposed. Now everyone can see my noodle limbs. Limbs that are free of ink, might I add. Once it's in place, I twist to the left and then to the right to test its mobility, and I must say, it's surprisingly comfortable to move in considering how stiff it looks. Stretching my arms out in front of me, I clasp my hands together and do a double take when I spot the subtle muscles running along my upper arms. They're by no means as defined as Clary's, or anyone's really, but a spark of pride bursts through my chest nonetheless. I just hope people will believe I'm a new Vandari and not be suspicious of what I really am. Speaking of which, won't they all see how horrendous I am at fighting in the arena? Has Fale even thought of that?

Hurrying back to the armory, I spot Fale leaning his back up against a wall and I pace over to him. "Fale," I hiss through my teeth, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the tunnel where there are fewer people. "I thought you said under no circumstances to let anyone see I'm a... you know. Has it ever crossed your mind that it will be clear as day once we start training in there?"

"Keep your voice down. And yes, of course I've thought of that, but we've got to keep up appearances. It would be just as suspicious if you never spent any time in the arena if you're Vandari. We're just going to focus on the simple things and review blocks since you seem to have gotten the hang of it. Well, enough to not draw attention that is." I roll my eyes. "You brought your knife like I said?"

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