Lab and First day of UA

Start from the beginning

"Ok, well let's go we don't want to be late," we took a short cut outside that I use at my night 'job' if all goes well than the LOV which I learned about last week, they should attack at the USJ, Unforeseen Simulation Joint. And that blonde French guy, Aoyma seems trustworthy but I am not fully sure, he had the look of what AFO would have if he had eyes. As a vigilante I won't say anything about this, and I have eyes on the inside. While this happened we got to UA and I was the first one in due to Aizawa wanting to hide, and show me my classroom Nezu probably blackmailed him to do so.

"Hey it is you from the exam, I am sorry about my behavior," oh shit. Mr. Alluptheass is here.

"It's fine, you can't know everything," I mean I can. I already know his quirk, weaknesses, connections, and medical record by just looking at him. This is normal for me, I suspect it to be the same with Nezu, but more toned down.

"My name is Tanya Iida I am from Somei Academy,"

"I was homeschooled until today, but I have a few friends here," with that he left me alone.

"You're that kid with his fists and the 0 pointer, great work by the way," Iida was talking to Rikichan.

"Oh hey Izuku, nice to see you, and I am Riki Nozomi, and I am not even close to the number 1 spot, that goes to him," he pointed at me.

"How many times to I have to say, don't point at people, you have 4 fingers pointing back," I pointed all my fingers like a knife.

"That is how you do it," I hit his head, not too hard.

"Oh hey Midoriya I forgot to thank you, you left before I could thank you from saving me with the 0 pointer," the familiar bubbly girl I saw at the exam, Ohacko Uraraka.

"Your welcome, and apparently there was bonus points not in the pamphlet, rescue points," I say. The room fills with people and I stayed at my seat the entire time. 3 minutes before the bell, why not mess with Aizawa.

"Ok, dadzawa you can come out of the desk," I say everyone looked puzzled. And Aizawa came out and gave me the disappointment look.

"I am you guardian Izuku, not your father, and the rest of you didn't even notice me, get seated," I shrug. They all took so long sitting down a total of 8 seconds.

"It took you all 8 seconds to sit down, you need to learn the importance of time in heroics," he said. Sure I have known Aizawa since I started vigilante work, but hey.

"Take these gym uniforms and go change," he held out a uniform which I had to find the biggest size, large was that the biggest size they had? The fabric doesn't stretch enough for me to fit. Good thing I always have my tailored under suit.

"Hey Aizawa, they don't have my size. Mind if I just wear what I wore at the exams," he nodded and I left to change.

At the changing room

"Hey, guys the old generation of guys blessed us," a short guy said as I came in. I gave the 'you deal with this Riki'

"No, we should focus and we know you're talking about peeping on the girls, they should be respected some of them might bear our asses later and especially if you are a pervert," and I covered the hole while he was talking. It was simple cork but it covered the hole. After that I got changed.

"Why do you have a different gym uniform, it is-"

"They didn't have my size, as you can see I am tall, finding the right sizes is difficult," I walked out.

"You are the first one, what took you so long?"

"Mineta, he was trying to peep on the girls,I covered the hole with a cork ask Cementos to take care of it later. I didn't look, no my morals are against harming anyone and plus I hate perverts," I said. The others came in.

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