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No one's pov

Boashen Sanren with Song Zichen and Xiao Xingchen were with the Lan's.. The silence inbetween them kill Zichen.. 'He is still a child to us.. Isn't it too early for this betrothal..' Song Zichen asked.. To him Wei Wuxian is like his son, who is so over protective towards him..

'I know Young master Song, I'm failed to protect my best friend.. We will take care of Xian like our son..' Lan Carmen said..

'Carmen, What if other clans know about him, don't you think it will be dangerous to your clan..' Boashen Sanren said calmly..

'Elder Sanren, Lan Wangji loves Wei Wuxian with all his heart.. And Wuxian too, even though he didn't confess we know what he feels.. It's my son's and Xian's happiness, I don't care about other clans..' Qingheng Jun assured the elder..

'I have no objection if my A Xian choose his partner..' Boashen Sanren stated which was expected by Xingchen and Zichen.. 'A Xian is so special..'

'Elder Lan we know that he has dark energy and he still didn't realise his powers depth..' Lan Qiren said but Boashen smiled and broke the truth which surprised everyone..

'A Xian is special because he can give birth to a child in real.. He don't need any herbal medicine to get pregnant..' It shocked everyone.. Everyone in cultivation knows that if they choose a male partner the receiver can have a herbal medicine which make them to get pregnant but the delivery will not be normal.. So when they know about Wei Wuxian's health it surprised them..

'We are so happy Elder Boashen..' Lan Xichen smiled so widely.. 'Its really a great news..' Lan Carmen can't hide her happiness..

'After they finish their studies choose an auspicious day for their marriage but before that I want them to be betrothed before Xian leaves Gusu..' Boashen Sanren said..

'Yeah.. We know many clans wish to propose the marriage but it will be safe for Xian..' Xiao Xingchen politely said.. The Lan's agreed to it..

Lan Wangji looked at the locked door which has many talisman on it.. 'Stay with him.. I will take care of his mother..' Wei Wuxian holds his shizi's hand and shook his head.. 'Tuzi.. I don't want you to get hurt.. Please..' Wangji before leaves kissed his love on his forehead.. Wei Wuxian feels so restless when he see the elder entered into the door and closed it..

Lan Wangji looked at the lady who was bounded with chains on the wall.. He sit on the floor and ready to play his zither that's when he heard her voice.. 'He.. Where is he..' Lan Wangji looked at the lady with blank face..

'Y-your love.. That beautiful boy..' Wangji eyes turned into dark gaze and he stroke his zither which made the lady to fall hard on the wall but she heard her laugh like a maniac.. 'Who are you..' Lan Wangji asked.. But the lady didn't say anything.. 'Who are you..' He asked again..

'Not only me.. Your love is wanted by him.. He not only wants him but he wants to ravish that beautiful body of..' Lan Wangji is unsheathed his bichen and pointed at her neck and holds her hair.. That's when he see her face.. She was obsessed by the ghost.. It's the ghost who is provoking him.. Lan Wangji sheathed his bichen and sit before his zither..

'That boy is so pretty.. He won't leave him.. He will fuck hi..' Lan Wangji glared at her and started to play the music.. The music which made the lady to scream in pain her body rise on the air her neck tilt back and her veins were popping out.. The music was unbearable to the lady which made her to plead..

'S-stop.. It hurts.. I will..' Lan Wangji fingers skillfully moved on the zither which made her to kneel on the floor with hands clasped begging him to leave.. 'Who are you..' The power in his voice made the lady to scare..

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