Flirty Lan Wangji

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No one's pov

Wei Wuxian enjoys each and every day in cloud recess.. He learned a lot, have good friends, protective Shizi and caring Shijie's.. Wen siblings became so close to Wei Wuxian.. No one in class talk ill about the younger because they are so afraid.. Afraid of Lan Wangji who glare at them like he wants to rip their head.. So they keep a safe distance from Wei Wuxian..

Lan Wangji knows that's he fall for the younger.. It's been only weeks he met Xian but he feels like decades.. He can't control his mouth whenever he was with his Tuzi... Sometimes he got earfull scoldings from Jiang Cheng when he flirted with Xian... The younger can't help but blush whenever the young jade flirted with him..

It's Sunday and every students in cloud recess were allowed to go out but they has to be here before six.. Lan Wangji looked at his Tuzi who is looking at him with his beautiful doe eyes.. 'Am I that handsome Tuzi you are not even blinking your eyes.. ' Wangji asked with a beautiful smile..

'Yeah Shizi look so handsome..' Xian said with a smile and it makes Wangji to blush.. His ears turned red because of the younger's words.. He smiled and leaned towards the younger who is still not moving his gaze away from the elder..

'Shizi looks different in this robe..' Xian said with a smile.. 'And you are beautiful..' Wangji said..

'Hey I'm handsome not beautiful..' Xian said with a pout.. Wangji chuckled squeezed his cheeks where he can see the bunny teeth of his tuzi... 'You are my beautiful Tuzi..' Wangji said..

'Wangji A Xian..' Both the youngers looked at Madam Lan.. Xian bowed to her with a smile.. 'A Die..' Wangji hugged her so tight.. 'We are leaving now..'

'Alone.. What about Huaisang and A Cheng...' Wangji sighed a little.. 'Huaisang with Wen Ning already went to Caiyi town... And my grumpy brother in law is spending his day with gege..' Wangji said...

'Be careful..' She said to both.. Carmen Lee hugged Wuxian which made the younger to startle.. He feel so warm in her hug and he hugged her back.. Wuxian blushed when Carmen Lee kissed the younger on his forehead..

Wangji looked at them both his heart filled with happiness.. ' A Die love tuzi more than her cub..' Wangji teased her.. Carmen chuckled and hugged her son.. 'Careful Cub.. Don't cause any troubles otherwise you know what i will do.. Don't leave A Xian alone.. Stay with him..' She whispered to her son...

'Okay enjoy your day and you have to reach here before six..' Wangji and Xian nodded their head.. Lan Wangji holds his Tuzi's hand.. 'We will leave now Madam Lan..' Xian bowed to her before Wangji dragged him...

They both ride on their swords to reach Caiyi town... Wuxian is so excited to look around Caiyi town...  He know about Caiyi town through his village people but he didn't visit.. When the reach the town Wangji holds his Tuzi's hand.. 'Don't leave my hand tuzi you are new to this place and moreover I can't get beatings from my mother..' Wangji whined to him which made Xian to giggle..

With their intertwined fingers they both walked on the market.. Many people looked around the couple who looks so perfect.. Xian jumped like a kid holding Wangji's hand looking around the place..

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